January Birthstones
January major and alternative birthstones are Garnet, Onyx and Jasper. In addition to that Amethyst, the Aquarius birth gem, and Chalcedony, a Capricorn birthstone, can be considered. All January birthstones make up a choice of at least 4 gems.
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Garnet - traditional January birthstone
Onyx - guardian angel birthstone for January
Jasper - January special apostle birth rock
Chalcedony - Capricorn birth gem
Amethyst - Aquarius January birthstone
Introduction to January birthstones
Out of all those magnificent gemstones, which one you should pick? Well, it may be the gem that reflects your personality, it may be the birthstone that you feel most connected to, it may be the birth gem that you like the most or that suits you better, or it may be all of them. In other words, the choice is ultimately yours!
We are always intrigued about possessing a gemstone that is more than just a gem. A rock with spiritual and mental connection, something close to our heart and soul - a birthstone.
Most birthstone lists are based on bible mentionings of Aaron's breastplate gemstones or the gems from the foundation of New Jerusalem. I have used the 4 most unique arrangements of birthstones: by birth month, guardian angel birthstones, by zodiac sign, and special apostle birthstones list.
A large portion of our oneness is derived from the time of the year we were born. Annette Wynne’s poem goes:
“I'm January bringing you
A year of days—all brand, brand new;
I step upon the frosty ground.
When chimes and sleighbells ring around”
January is the first month of the year according to both Julian and Gregorian calendars, it contains New Year celebrations, orthodox Christmas and Australia Day. It is a hot tea month and mentoring month. The last launch of space shuttle Columbia and the marriage of Merilyn Monroe happened in January. David Bowie, Elvis Presley, and Bradley Cooper are all January babies. All in all there is plenty of inspiration in January to find that connection to the birthstone, and I am sure you would have personal stories and reasons too.
January guardian angel is Gabriel ( גַּבְרִיאֵל in Hebrew), who was first mentioned in the old testament and then adopted by Christians, Kabbalah and other religions. Gabriel is treated as a patron of media workers and diplomats. The archangel is famous for his trumpet horn to be used to signal god’s return to the earth.
Special apostle for the month is Simon Peter also known as saint Peter. He is one of the most regarded apostles in Christianity and the first bishop of Rome. St Peter was a fisherman hence is a patron of them as well as of bakers, builders, locksmiths, and farmers. He is thought to help increase life longevity, reduce fever and aid with feet issues.
January birthstone - birth dates between January 1 and 31
Garnet’s name comes from Latin ‘granatus’ meaning ‘grain like’ because it resembles pomegranate blossom. Garnets are found in many parts of the world and were known to people centuries ago.
Yellow Gold Bordeaux Garnet and Diamond Cocktail Ring
This January birthstone’s usual color is the one that resembles ruby – red, though this gem also comes in hues of green, orange, rose, violet and cinnamon brown.
One of the rarest garnets is called Uvarovite. This gem is emerald green color and has a spectacular brilliance. In Siberia it was thought that it was a gem of love and passion, and wives used to secretly insert Uvarovite garnet into husbands’ pillows.
It was also believed that this birthstone could enhance foresight and bring fortune.
More about garnet meaning
January guardian angel birth rock - January 1 to January 31 birthstone
Birthstone onyx derives its name from a Greek word meaning ‘fingernail’. Why would a gemstone be called a ‘fingernail’? Well, according to an old legend, Cupid, the god of desire and affection, found Venus, the goddess of love, sleeping on the bank of the river. He cut Venuses’ nails with a sharp point of his arrow. In mysticism, this was interpreted as a symbol of the mystery of birth that happened as a result of pure love.
Onyx is one of the earliest gems mentioned in the bible, and it also appears in ancient writings. It was often used in breastplates of warriors and amulets of adventurers because it was believed to have the powers of protection against harm and danger. The birthstone was regarded as the gem providing spiritual inspiration.
The wedding ring of Virgin Mary and Joseph was supposedly set with onyx (or possibly amethyst). Middle ages theologists believed that onyx was a juice of the Onycha tree meant to be used in a sacred way mentioned in the 30th chapter of Exodus.
Greek, Roman and other ancient lapidaries tried to cut the gemstone in a way to display its fascinating patterned lines, especially to reveal an eye. Gem cut in that manner was considered a powerful protection from an evil eye. Later Romans would be carving Mars and Hercules onyx figures as they were to make the wearer brave and fearless.
It was also thought that onyx aided women at childbirth if worn as an amulet or in a ring. Such onyx amulet was presented by English King Ethelred II to St Alban’s abbey church and was on display for everyone to see.
Onyx is a banded variety of chalcedony quartz mineral. The gem is found in the United States, Australia, Brazil, Madagascar, Uruguay and other places. The variety of onyx with red bands is called Sardinian onyx, or sardonyx.
Onyx has been used in jewelry sets of many famous people like Jennifer Aniston, Katherine Heigl and Cate Blanchett. Reese Witherspoon was photographed wearing a gorgeous onyx necklace made by renowned Van Cleef & Arpels.
January special apostle birthstone - birthdays between January 1 and 31
Mesmerizing Green Sea Sediment Jasper Bracelet
“Jasper stone signifies the divine truth of the Word in its literal sense, translucent from the divine truth in its spiritual sense.” – wrote Scandinavian scientist and philosopher Swedenborg.
Jasper is a variety of quartz and does come and various colors like green, red, orange, black, yellow, blue etc. and combinations of them. Some of these combinations are fascinating, and skilled jewelers make jasper earrings or produce necklaces in a way that compliments the intricacy of this birthstones' patterns.
More about jasper birthstone
Capricorn birth gem - January 1 birthstone to January 21 birthstone
Some astrologists think that for start and end dates zodiacal signs share common virtues of the preceding or following sign meaning that for Aquarius with birthdays on January 22, 23 and 24 it may be appropriate to have Chalcedony as their birth gem too.
Very popular and stylish Aqua Chalcedony Gold Ring designed by MaresiaJewelry
The name of the gemstone originates from a place called Chalkedon in present day Turkey. Chalcedony was not recognized as a separate gem variety until the 15th century though it was widely used thousands of years before that.
Rosicrucians, followers of the popular spiritual and cultural movement of the 17th century that believed to have possessed the wisdom that was passed from the ancient times, regarded chalcedony as a symbol of enthusiasm. It was thought to protect travelers in their voyages, drive away evil spirits, eliminate sadness, ensure public success, and protect the wear during political turmoil.
Aquarius birth rock - ranges as January 22 birthstone to January 31 birthstone
Zodiac constellations briefly overlap when they change one another, and several astrologists think that if you are a Capricorn born on January 19, 20 or 21 you may also have Amethyst as your astral birthstone.
Amethyst Pendant designed by LizBethJewelryCo
Amethyst was used in episcopal rings and was considered to have influence of holiness and peace over the beholders. St. Valentine was a bishop himself and popularized amethyst as a sacred symbol of pure love.
Roman wives wore amethyst rings or amulets to use the birthstone powers of preserving affections of their husbands. Men seeking to marry above their status believed that amethyst would influence the favor of wealthy ladies. Amethysts was also considered to give vigilance to businessmen and calmness to athletes.
More about birthstone amethyst, its meaning, stories, and virtues.
The Ancient Alien Theory view on the birthstones.