Jasper is a February guardian angel birthstone, January special apostle birth gem, yellow jasper is an October birth rock, and a Libra zodiac birthstone. “Jasper stone signifies the divine truth of the Word in its literal sense, translucent from the divine truth in its spiritual sense.” – wrote Scandinavian scientist and philosopher Swedenborg.
Polished bloodstone jasper
In Hebrew it is yashpheh, in Greek - Iaspis, in Arabic – yasb. We know it as jasper. Some even believe that the name of this birthstone comes from French ‘j'espère’ meaning ‘I hope’.
Jasper was a treasured birthstone in antiquity known before Christian era. It had a reputation of bringing rains and good harvests. This birthstone was also credited for driving away evil spirits and protecting people from bites of venomous creatures. It was believed to help sustain courage in danger and help keep a cool head when difficult decisions were to be made. Jasper was also assigned with magic features of other birthstones because it exists in a multitude of colors with several of those colors often presented in each gem.
Jasper was a gemstone of angel Raphael and was a symbol of strength, courage, and wisdom. St. Jerome called it “the stone of spiritual graces”. In Christian mysticism jasper was the emblem of hope and gem sacred to the Virgin Mary.
Egyptian King Nechepsos possesses a jasper amulet carved in a shape of a rayed dragon which embodied wisdom, sympathy and strength.
Cardanus, 16th century philosopher and astrologist, was convinced that this gemstone assisted taking needless risks.
Medicinally, in ancient times, jasper was used to cure stomach and bowel issues, combat fevers. Mottled jasper was worn to prevent death by water.
Believe it or not, but birthstone jasper was associated with men body parts, and dreaming of this birthstone was said to symbolize faithfulness in love known to mind before heart.
Jasper is a variety of quartz and does come in various colors like green, red, orange, black, yellow, blue etc. and combinations of them. Some of these combinations are fascinating, and skilled jewelers make jasper earrings or produce necklaces in a way that compliments the intricacy of this birthstones' patterns.
Impression jasper
Jasper pendants
The gem can be found pretty much everywhere around the world with some localities producing amazing rocks.
There are some distinct color and pattern combination jaspers that have their own names like Mookite, Poppy or Tabu Tabu jasper. A significant variety of jasper is called bloodstone. An old legend records that bloodstone originated at the crucifixion when drops of blood caused by Roman soldiers’ spears fell onto green jasper gemstones. From this time onwards jasper birthstone has been attributed with magical and divine powers.
A leek green variety of this birthstone is called plasma. The name comes from a Greek word meaning ‘image’. Plasma was regarded as a symbol of wisdom and rewards. Gnostics used this gem as a special talisman.
Apparently, jasper is a gemstone of choice for Cara Delevingne, a fashion model.