October Birthstones
If you read it, It really sounds like the gems from October birthstones list were pulled from a treasure chest of Sinbad the Sailor:
Opal - October birthstone;
Tourmaline - October birthstone;
Agate - guardian angel birth gem;
Jacinth - special apostle birthstone for October;
Jasper & Garnet - Libra and Scorpio astral birth rocks.
A beautiful Australian opal pendant
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Introduction to October birthstones
Out of all these birthstones, which gem is for you? Well, it may be the gem that reflects your personality, it may be the birthstone that you feel most connected to, it may be the birth gem that you like the most or that suits you better, or it may be all of them. In other words, it’s totally up to you!
People were always intrigued about possessing a gemstone that is more than just a gem set in a ring or a necklace. A rock with spiritual and mental connection, something close to our heart and soul - a birthstone.
Most if not all birthstone lists are are based on biblical Aaron's breastplate gemstones or the gems from the foundation of New Jerusalem, and October birthstones are not an exception. The assignments of birthstones by month or zodiac sign are the most common ones. I have picked the 4 most compelling in my humble opinion lists of birthstones: by birth month, guardian angel birthstones, by zodiac sign, and special apostle birthstones list.
He loved October. Had always loved it. There was something sad and beautiful about it - the ending and beginning of things.
wrote Jacqueline Woodson, an American writer. In October "The Mickey Mouse Club" began on ABC, musical "Cats" opened on Broadway, and Apollo 7 was launched from Cape Canaveral. In October Bill Gates, Kim Kardashian, Zac Efron, Katy Perry, and Vladimir Putin celebrate their birthdays. It is a National Arts & Humanities Month, Bullying Prevention Month, and Work and Family Month. Oktoberfest, Smile Day and Columbus Day are celebrated in October.
Bariel is October guardian angel, a patron of wealth.
October special apostle is Simon the Zelotes also known as Simon the Canaanite. He is arguably the most obscure apostle among apostles of Jesus. Simon is also considered a martyr and a preacher, and is a patron of curriers, leather and timber industries workers.
October birthstone - those born on October 1 to October 31
In the ancient times opals were presented in great variety so much so that their name was derived from a Sanskrit word ‘upala’ simply meaning ‘gemstone’. This birthstone was long considered one of the most mysterious of gems because it could blend a multitude of colors in one gem.
Neckpiece made of silver gilt, painted enamel, pearls and opals by jeweler Sir George James Frampton in 1893
Opal was considered to be a gemstone of truth and altruism. It was thought to be the lucky stone, also giving success and foresight to the wearer. This birthstone was expected to assure a clear brain and great memory.
Opals were valued as talismans of the first rank. Ladies with blond hair preferred opal necklaces to guard their beautiful hair color.
Opal was a favorite gemstone of Queen Victoria. When her daughters got married, her wedding gifts to them were collections of rare opals. In 1925 she purchased a black opal at the Australian pavilion at the Wembley Exhibition.
A Roman senator chose to spend time in exile rather than part with an opal he possessed.
Opals have long been the gemstones of artists who could appreciate the beauty of the birthstone colors that provided inspiration. The poem about opals said ‘to be understood by one who has attained to love for all that exists’.
Birthstone for October - birthdays between October 1 and 31
The word tourmaline appears to be derived from Ceylonese ‘turmali’ or ‘toramalli’. The first specimens of birthstone tourmaline arrived in London in the 17th century were commonly called ‘Brazilian Emeralds’ because they were mostly of green color and originated from Brazil. Dutch traders brought this gem to Amsterdam in the 18th century and sourced it from the island of Ceylon.
Tourmaline is a birth gem that has very interesting physical properties. It can be green at one end and pink at the other, or it may appear opaque from one angle and transparent from the other one.
Paraiba tourmaline pendant and ring
Electrical properties of this stone were noticed a long time ago. When sunlight fell on the gem it attracted small dust particles. These peculiarities were very interesting to Benjamin Franklin. Tourmaline was also widely used by alchemists due to its electrical properties.
Green tourmaline was a fortunate gem for businessmen as it also helped building relationships with other useful people. Pink tourmaline was considered to be lucky for artists, writers, musicians, and actors.
In particular if tourmaline was one’s birthstone, it was believed to foster courage and cheerfulness.
In ancient China precious gemstones were ranked based on religious and ceremonial considerations. Red or pink tourmaline was considered the gem of the 1st rank.
Birthstone tourmaline is the symbol of wisdom, power of knowledge and strength of mind. It is considered to be the stone of writers, authors, teaches, and editors. Dreams of tourmaline have a meaning of ‘success through knowledge in all walks of life’.
Guardian angel birth gem - birthdays between October 1 to October 31
Many jewelry houses incorporate agate into their earrings, bracelets, pendants, rings, and other pieces that were worn by Paris Hilton, Katy Perry, and other celebrities.
Pink agate necklace
The name agate (also known as agath, agget, agot, agat etc) is possible derived from the name of the river Achates in present day Sicily, Italy. According to another version the gem took its name from the Hebrew word ‘nakad’ meaning ‘spotted’.
Many theologians and historians agree that agate was the 8th stone in breast plate of the high priest and was known as ‘shebo’.
Greek king Pyrrhus possessed a ring set with agate symbolizing Apollo, god or oracles, arts and knowledge, and his 9 muses.
More about agate properties and birthstone virtues
Special apostle birthstone for October - birthdays between October 1 and 31
Jacinth is red-orange and an ancient version of zircon. It was mentioned in multiple books ranging from the bible to the Voyage of Sinbad the Sailor in Thousand and One Nights.
Swedenbog, Swedish mystic and scientist of the 18th century, wrote that jacinth can provide “intelligence from spiritual love and in an opposite sense, intelligence from infernal love which is self-derived intelligence.”
Golden bracelet with jacinth and red zircons
Flemish physicist and naturalist Boetius de Boodt recommended jacinth for improving sleep.
This birthstone was very popular in India and was worn to attract riches, honor and wisdom.
In middle ages jacinths were used to attract success and make the wearer welcomed anywhere they went.
Jacinth was also believed to have the power to avert lightning strikes. It was thought that the birthstone was able to dispel suspicion and jealousy. Jacinth is emblematic of wisdom, wealth and prudence. Dreams of jacinth were interpreted as protection from approaching worries and indication of triumph.
Libra zodiacal birtstone - birth dates between October 1 and 23
Some astrologists believe that when zodiac signs ascend and descend they share the similar virtues with preceding and succeeding signs, and therefore it may be acceptable for Scorpio born on October 24, 25, and 26 to use jasper as their zodiacal birthstone as well.
Jasper earrings
Jasper was a treasured birthstone in antiquity known before Christian era. It had a reputation of bringing rains and good harvests.
This birthstone was also credited for driving away evil spirits and protecting people from bites of venomous creatures. It was believed to help sustain courage in danger and help keep a cool head when difficult decisions were to be made. Jasper was also assigned with magic features of other birthstones because it exists in a multitude of colors with several of those colors often presented in each gem.
More about birthstone jasper
Scorpio astral birth rock - birthdays between October 24 and 31
Many astrologists think that zodiac signs overlap when they change one another and share the similar virtues with preceding and succeeding signs, and therefore it may be acceptable for Libras born on October 21, 22, and 23 to use garnet as their zodiacal birthstone as well.
A rare green Tsavorite garnet
Ancient legends attributed to garnet calming influence over hot tempered individuals.
Psychoanalysts used garnets in their sessions.
This birthstone was a symbol and has a meaning of faith, constancy, and cheerfulness.
Andradite is the most common garnet. It was not considered very attractive and was not popular until the discovery of Demantoid – facet quality variety of Andradite. Demantoid garnet comes in green hues and is arguably the most popular of garnets.
More about garnet birthstone