September Birthstones
If you were the lucky one to be born on September, then here is your selection of birthstones:
Sapphire - September birthstone;
Jacinth (Hyacinth) - guardian angel birth gem;
Chrysoprase - special apostle birthstone;
Lapis Lazuli & Jasper - Virgo and Libra astral birthstones.
A magnificent necklace set with a blue sapphire as a centerpiece
Introduction to September birthstones
Out of all these gemstones, which birthstone is for you? Well, it may be the gem that reflects your personality, it may be the birthstone that you feel most connected to, it may be the birth gem that you like the most or that suits you better, or it may be all of them. In other words, it’s totally up to you!
Humans were always intrigued about possessing a gemstone that is more than just a gem set in a ring or a necklace. A rock with spiritual and mental connection, something close to our heart and soul - a birthstone.
Most if not all birthstone list version are are based on biblical Aaron's breastplate gemstones or the gems from the foundation of New Jerusalem. I have picked the 4 most interesting in my opinion lists of birthstones: by birth month, guardian angel birthstones, by zodiac sign, and special apostle birthstones list.
Do you remember the 21st night of September?
Love was changing the minds of pretenders
While chasing the clouds away
I guess most of us know this famous Earth, Wind and Fire song. September often marks the start of the academic year, it’s a California Wine Month, National Yoga Month and Pain Awareness Month. National Grandparents' Day, Constitution Day and Gold Star Mother's Day occur in September. It is the month when celebrities like Beyonce, Keanu Reeves, Gloria Estefan, Adam Sandler and Pink celebrate their birthdays. In September ESPN debuts on cable, first manmade object reaches Moon, and Chubby Checker has a number 1 record with The Twist. All in all, September is an eventful month with plenty of stories and inspirations.
Guardian angel for September is Tsuriel or Zuriel, who was known as an archangel of magic and vitality responsible for healing and for guarding newborn babies.
Lebbeus Thaddeus, also known as Jude the Apostle, is the special apostle for this month. He is not Judas Iscariot who betrayed Jesus. Jude the Apostle is often identified as Jude the brother of Jesus, and is a patron of Chicago Fire Department, as well as countries, states and cities like Armenia, Philippines, Florida, and Saint Petersburg. He is believed to be in charge of hospitals and desperate situations.
September birthstone - those born on September 1 to September 30
Pendant decorated with different color sapphire gems
St Jerome, one of the most renowned writers of early Christianity and a saint patron of writers, translators and librarians, regarded sapphire as a gem that protected its wearer from captivity, brough peaceful thought over their enemy, and gained favors from people of power and authority.
Throughout centuries sapphire was regarded as a gemstone of religious teachers. Pope Innocent III permitted sapphire in episcopal rings in the 13th century, and it was supposed to be set in pure gold. After that it was assumed that the gem was also a preserver of secrets.
More about sapphire birthstone meaning and virtues
Jacinth (Hyacinth)
September guardian angel birth gem - birthdays between September 1 and 30
Jacinth is red-orange and a very famous version of zircon. It was mentioned in multiple books ranging from the bible to the Voyage of Sinbad the Sailor in Thousand and One Nights.
The name of jacinth is of an Arabic origin. It is also often called hyacinth which is derived from the Greek language. It was called so because it resembled hyacinth flowers which Apollo caused to spring.
Golden bracelet with jacinth and red zircons
This birthstone was recommended to travelers, especially those taking long journeys.
Hyacinth was thought to become dull when stormy weather was approaching and become bright if the weather was to be fine. Similar virtues were prescribed to jacinth in regards to foreseeing health and sickness.
Rosicrucian brotherhood that claims possession of a secret wisdom handed down from ancient times, used to have hyacinth as one of their jewels in the Arabian Garden of Peace. For them the gemstone represented “the true knowledge of absolute love and the triumph over the crude elements of earthly understanding.”
Special apostle birthstone for September - birthdays between Septeber 1 and 30
Gold touched with leek (it is a translation from Greek) forms the color of Chrysoprase. The gem is a light green variety of quartz.
Beads made of chrysoprase
Chrysoprase was listed as the 10th foundation stone of the New Jerusalem in King James’s bible.
Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians used this birthstone in the jewelry. Alexander the Great wore chrysoprase amulet in his voyages.
Chrysoprase was considered the birthstone of blessings bringing success to new ventures, true friends, and taking away bad thoughts and greed.
The gem was believed to have the virtues that brought cheerfulness to the wearer, removing worries and protecting from evil dreams.
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli
Virgo zodiacal birth gem - birthdays between September 1 to September 22
Many astrologists think that zodiac signs overlap when they change one another and share the similar virtues with preceding and succeeding signs, and even though lapis is a Virgo birthstone it may also be acceptable for Libras born on September 23, 24, and 25 to use lapis lazuli as their zodiacal birthstone as well.
First known mentionings of lapis lazuli date back thousands of years B.C. and it was often referred to as sapir or sapphire.
Silver lapis lazuli rings
In fact, those two gemstones were often confused between each other in the old scripts. The rock was highly valued in Egypt and Babylon. “Strong bull, great of horns, perfect in form, with long flowing beard, bright as lapis-lazuli.” – says an old Assyrian hymn in honor of moon-god Sin.
The gem was also used to cure eye troubles, melancholia, and blood disorders. Lapis lazuli was one of the favorite gemstones of alchemists. It was believed to draw out all evil and dissipate it into the air.
Libra zodiacal birtstone - birth dates between September 23 and 30
Some astrologists believe that when zodiac signs ascend and descend they share the similar virtues with preceding and succeeding signs, and therefore it may be acceptable for Virgo born on September 20, 21 and 22 to use jasper as their zodiacal birthstone as well.
Jasper earrings
In Hebrew it is yashpheh, in Greek - Iaspis, in Arabic – yasb. We know it as jasper. Some even believe that the name of this birthstone comes from French ‘j'espère’ meaning ‘I hope’.
Egyptian King Nechepsos possesses a jasper amulet carved in a shape of a rayed dragon which embodied wisdom, sympathy and strength.
Cardanus, 16th century philosopher and astrologist, was convinced that this gemstone assisted taking needless risks.
More about jasper birthstone properties