August Birthstones
August brings a splendid choice of birthstones: Peridot, Spinel are August birthstones, Diamond is a guardian angel birth gem for August, special apostle birth rock for the month is Sardonyx. In addition to that Topaz and Lapis Lazuli are Leo and Virgo birthstones respectively.
Lapis lazuli bangle from ancient Egypt
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Introduction to August birthstones
Which one of the mentioned birthstones you should chose? Well, it may be the gem that reflects your personality, it may be the birthstone that you feel most connected to, it may be the birth gem that you like the most or that suits you better, or it may be all of them. In other words, it’s totally up to you!
Humans were always intrigued about possessing a gemstone that is more than just a gem set in a ring or a necklace. A rock with spiritual and mental connection, something close to our heart and soul - a birthstone.
Most if not all birthstones by month lists are based on biblical Aaron's breastplate gemstones or the gems from the foundation of New Jerusalem. I have picked the 4 most relevant in my opinion lists of birthstones: by birth month, guardian angel birthstones, by zodiac sign, and special apostle birthstones list.
“August rain: the best of the summer gone, and the new fall not yet born. The odd uneven time.” - wrote Sylvia Plath, an American poet and novelist. The month got its current name in 8 B.C. and is named after Augustus, the 1st Emperor of the Roman Empire. He chose this month himself because several important military battles were won during this period including the conquest of Egypt.
August is a National Children's Vision and Learning Month, Peach Month (yum!) and National Win with Civility Month. Friendship Day, National Honey Bee Day and, a very important one, National White Wine Day are celebrated during this month. In August Michael Jackson married Lisa Marie Presley, Kon-Tiki Expedition completed trip across the Pacific Ocean, and a black American athlete Jesse Owens wins fourth gold medal at the Nazi Berlin Olympics. People like Louis Armstrong, Niel Armstrong, Davy Crockett, Jason Momoa, Charlize Theron were all born in August.
August guardian angel is Hamatiel. The months’ special apostle is James, the son of Alpheus (יעקב בן חלפי in Hebrew). He is also often identified as James the Less and is considered a patron of pharmacists, pharmaceutical industry workers and dying people.
August birthstone - birthdays between August 1 and 31
Vintage peridot brooch
The name peridot was given to the mineral a long time ago with the 1st mentioning of this word dating back to the 13th century. The birthstone is also commonly called chrysolite meaning ‘gold stone’ when translated from Latin, the word peridot is either of French origin or is possibly derived from an Arabic word ‘faridat’ meaning ‘precious stone’.
Ancient people literally called it ‘Golden stone’, and the gem was often confused with either golden topaz or emerald. A long long time ago peridot was ‘the’ precious stone valued higher than diamond.
More about peridot birthstone meaning and virtues
August birthstone - birthdays between August 1 and 31
Black spinel and diamond bracelet
Birthstone spinel is the latest edition to the list of birthstones.
Previously this stone was also called Balas ruby and rubicelle because red spinels look almost identical with ruby. In fact, only in the late 18th century French mineralogist Jean-Baptiste Louis Romé de l’Isle proved that these were actually 2 different gems. Before that both considered rubies, and, more over, both rocks occur in nature together. Because of that birthstone spinel was often referred to as ‘the great imposter’ that fooled many. Arguably the most famous example is set in Imperial State Crown of the British Empire. It is called Black Prince’s Ruby but is in fact a spinel.
In India rubies belong to 4 casts, and spinel was part of one of them. Spinels also are crown jewels of Persia and Russia.
Spinels are a popular choice among jewelers because they occur in the most vivid and rich colors. Yes, based on the above story spinel is a red birthstone, however it exists in black, green, pink, yellow, white, orange, brown, blue, and purple.
Ancient writer Pliny said that this gem was often called a ‘lucernarum accensu’ which means ‘came from lightning’. If kept as a birthstone, spinels were believed to possess the power of averting the danger of storm and hail. It was also credited as a birth gem that brought joy.
August gusrdian angel birth rock - birth dates between August 1 and 31
Heart shaped pendant set with numerous diamonds
Diamond has commonly been assumed to increase reproductive powers and stimulate sexual attraction. The tradition of using diamonds in engagement rings originated from Rome. The gem was held to promote harmony and love if given to the bride. It was also believed to guard health and vitality if worn on the left hand.
Almost half of all gemstone grade diamonds come from Central or Southern Africa. Significant deposits were also found in Russia, Australia, India and Canada. Believe it or not, the gem is very common in space. About 3% of carbon in meteorites is in the form of tiny diamonds.
More about diamond birthstone virtues and stories
August special apostle birthstone - birth dates between August 1 and 31
Sardonyx is a red variety of onyx, a species of chalcedony quartz mineral. It was often called ‘Sardinian onyx’ and has also been referred to as a ‘royal stone’. This birthstone is a symbol of happiness in marriage.
Sardonyx was the original August birthstone.
The birthstone was extensively used by Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and other people, and has been known to humans for thousands for years.
Christian theologists believed that sardonyx represented the strength of spiritual life. Dreams of this gem were translated as meaning love of friends.
Sardonyx beads necklace
Just like agate, sardonyx was considered as an aid to protect the wearer from infectious deceases and bites of venomous creatures, particularly scorpion. It was believed that, if hung on the neck, the gemstone could attract friends and bring success in legal matters.
According to Swedenborg, Swedish naturalist and mystic, sardonyx represents ‘Love of Good and Light’. In Rosicrucianism, a spiritual and cultural European movement of the 17th century, sardonyx was ‘the gem of victorious ecstasy and rapture which flow from the eternal font of delight, banishing grief and woe.’ It was believed to be the birthstone of fortune, happiness and self-control.
Leo celestial birth rock - birth dates between 1 and 22 of August
Several astrologists are convinced that virtues of zodiacal signs overlap for around 3 days at ascendance and descendance of a sign. This means that those born on August 23, 24, and 25 can potentially use topaz as their astral birth gem as well.
Yellow topaz earrings
The powers of dispelling black magic and evil spells was long attributed to topaz. In middle ages it was believed to have more magical powers, especially for wealth building, if set in gold and worn on the left arm. Topaz was also rumored to secure favours from royalty and people of high rank if the figure of a flying falcon was engraved on it.
Topaz was considered a remedy from sexual disorders, asthma, nose and throat issues. It was believed to be the lucky charm that prevented drowning. Dreams about topaz were thought to be symbolic of protection from harm and poison.
Read more information about topaz
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli
Virgo celestial birth gem - those born August 23 to August 31
Several astrologists think that there is no firm line when one zodiac sign replaces the other, and they slightly overlap. In other words, Leos with birthdays on August 20, 21 and 22 may also wear lapis lazuli as their astral birthstones.
Lapis lazuli cabochon cut pendant
Lapis lazuli, virgo birthstone, takes its name from two words – Latin word ‘lapis’ meaning stone, and Arabic word ‘azul’ that means blue.
Pliny the Elder, philosopher and navy commander in Roman Empire, wrote that lapis lazuli is “opaque and sprinkled with specks of gold”. Because the stone combines the blue of the heavens and golden glitter of the sun, it was emblematic of success in the old Jewish tradition. In the early Christian tradition lapis lazuli was regarded as the stone of Virgin Mary, and was often chosen as a gem in episcopal rings and used in altars.
More about birthstone lapis lazuli