Amethyst is February birthstone, November guardian angel and special apostle birthstone, and Aquarius zodiac birth gem. This birthstone is also a symbol of sincerity. Amethyst is a very durable stone which makes it perfect for frequent wear.
Watercolor drawing of amethyst
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Amethyst is a purple birthstone, a lavender variety of quartz and is often called ‘the queen of quartz’. It was once considered one of the most expensive gemstones, but since the discovery of large deposits in Brazil this birthstone has become very affordable. Apart from Brazil, it is found in the USA, Uruguay, Sri Lanka, Russia, African countries and a few other places on our planet.
Dreams of amethyst have a meaning of freedom from harm. According to Aristotle, a beautiful nymph was turned into a gem by Diana to protect her from Bacchus – the god of wine. As a remembrance of his love, Bacchus poured wine onto the stone and gave it this beautiful color. The meaning of the name amethyst translates ‘without intoxication’ and because of that this birthstone was believed to protect the wearer from extensive drinking and hangover effect.
Below is a short 1 minute 48 seconds progress video of Patrice from JaimeStoneCutting doing a fantastic job turning rough lavender amethyst into a magnificent gem.
Amethyst is accepted as the 9th stone of the breastplate and was always connected to the people of power and authority. It was endorsed by royalty and inspired others. According to many renowned theologians, Joseph himself wore ‘purple and drove his chariot through all the land of Egypt’. Patrick in the ‘Devotions of the Roman church’ expressed that the wedding ring of Joseph and virgin Mary was amethyst (or also onyx).
Golden ring with 7 faceted amethysts
Amethyst earring
Ancient Egyptians used amethyst in jewelry and breastplates to gain its protective powers from harm in war or in peace.
Judeans believed this birthstone empowered people with excellent judgement. In many countries amethyst amulets were held to protect houses from theft.
Crusaders wore amethyst as they believed it would avert diseases of the new lands from them.
This birthstone was used in episcopal rings and was considered to have influence of holiness and peace over the beholders. St. Valentine was a bishop himself and popularized amethyst as a sacred symbol of pure love. Sir Philip Sidney, English poet of the 16th century, wrote about this gem;
“The bloodie shafts of Cupid’s war
With amatists they headed are”
Roman wives wore amethyst rings or amulets to use the birthstone powers of preserving affections of their husbands.
Men seeking to marry above their status believed that amethyst would influence the favor of wealthy ladies.
Amethysts was also considered to give vigilance to businessmen and calmness to athletes.
Cleopatra possessed an amethyst ring engraved with a figure symbolizing the divine idea, source of light and life. One of the most famous British crown jewels rings is set with this birthstone. Italian astronomer and astrologist Leonardi believed that amethyst could help control evil thoughts and improve intelligence. He also mentioned King Solomon’s magical talisman for gaining influence over royals and nobles. The talisman, a rider on a horse holding a sceptre was engraved on an amethyst set in gold and silver double of its weight.
Birthstone amethyst was attributed to calming fears and curing the nervous system, bringing peace and serenity to the owner. It was also believed to stop the spread of infectious diseases.
Pliny, a philosopher and military commander of the Roman Empire, wrote that Magi priests were convinced that symbols of Sun and Moon were engraved upon Amethyst, and that made the birthstone a powerful talisman against black magic. Amethyst was also believed to bring luck and success.
Being such a beautiful and noble stone, birthstone amethyst is used by many famous people. Apparently, Kate Hundson is a fan of amethyst crystals, Robin Thicke spent $20,000 on his amethyst, and Katy Perry said in an interview to Cosmopolitan: “I don’t stay single for long. I carry a lot of rose quartz, which attracts the male. Maybe I need to calm it down with amethyst”.
The Ancient Alien Theory view on the birthstones.