April Birthstones
April born can have a myriad of gems as their birthstones. Diamond is April birthstone, Topaz and Carnelian are guardian angel and special apostle birthstones respectively, Crystal is Aries astral birth gem, Ruby and Diamond are Taurus zodiacal birthstones.
Various rings set with transparent diamonds
Introduction to April birthstones
With such a myriad of wonderful birthstones to choose from, which one should you pick? Well, it may be the gem that reflects your personality, it may be the birthstone that you feel most connected to, it may be the birth gem that you like the most or that suits you better, or it may be all of them. In other words, it’s totally up to you!
Humans were always intrigued about possessing a gemstone that is more than just a gem set in a ring or a necklace. A rock with spiritual and mental connection, something close to our heart and soul - a birthstone.
Most if not all birthstone lists are based on biblical Aaron's breastplate gemstones or the gems from the foundation of New Jerusalem. I have picked the 4 most relevant in my opinion lists of birthstones: by birth month, guardian angel birthstones, by zodiac sign, and special apostle birthstones list.
Marty Rubin wrote:
“April is the kindest month. April gets you out of your head and out working in the garden.”
Our month of birth plays a pivotal role in forming who we are. Alec Baldwin, Pharell Williams, Robert Downey Jr, Kristen Stewart, and Jennifer Garner were all born in April. It is a Donate Life Month, National Volunteer Month and a National Pecan Month. Easter, National Rebuilding Day, No Housework Day and National Caramel Day (a very important day) are all celebrated in April. Human’s first flight into space, the rebirth of modern Olympic games and first baseball game at Yankee Stadium in New York occurred in April.
The guardian angel looking after the month of April is called Ashmodei.
April special apostle is Philip who, according to the New Testament, was one of the 12 apostles of Jesus, and he was from the same town as St Peter and St Andrew. St Philip is a patron of Uruguay as as as a protector of those working in the baking and pastry industry.
April birthstone - birth dates between April 1 and 30
Diamond is also Taurus astral birthstone.
Diamond – ‘the king of kings’ of the gem world. The name derives from Greek ‘adamas’ which means unbreakable.
Elegant diamond earrings
This birthstone has superior brilliance and the most outstanding reflection of all gems. Its hardness and clearness are unsurpassed.
In the middle East diamond was considered a lucky birthstone bringing good fortune.
Rabbi Benoni, the 14th century mystic, believed that diamond was such a powerful talisman that it made the person invincible.
The Queen of Spain was saved by her diamond. When the assassin stabbed her with his knife, he hit the gem and the blade bounced off it.
More about diamond birthstone virtues
April guardian angel birthstone - birth dates between April 1 and 30
The name topaz may have been derived from a Sanskrit word ‘topas’ meaning heat. And indeed topaz is known for changing its color when exposed to extreme heat.
Seaside S. Silver Topaz & Diamond Turtle and Starfish Ring
Other sources including Pliny, Roman empire writer and military person, claim that it was impossible to trace the origin of this birthstone name because mariners brought it from faraway islands.
According to an old legend, shipwrecked pirates were stranded on the island in the Red Sea and were digging for food, and accidentally discovered the gemstone.
Topaz gemstone occurs in different parts of our earth like the US, Russia, Australia, Sweden, Japan, Brazil, Germany, Sri Lanka etc.
More about birthstone topaz
April special apostle birth gem - birthdays between April 1 and 30
The birthstone name Carnelian is derived from Latin meaning ‘flesh colored’ though the gem comes and a variety of orange and yellowish hues.
Carnelian Necklace by IntuitiveValJewelry
From the earliest times carnelian was valued as a stone for seals and amulets because it would polish really well. Egyptians believed this birthstone preserved dignity in argument. Ancient Greeks wore different gems every day and they had carnelian for the 1st day. In the Arabias the birthstone was the favorite one and was often engraved with inscriptions meant to protect the wearer against envy. They also held that carnelian would bring happiness to the owner, and could potentially make wishes a reality. It was thought that the power of this birth gem was enhanced if it was engraved with sacred text. Children in ancient Israel wore carnelian amulets as talismans for patience and hope.
In the Book of the Dead there is a mentioning of the clasp of Isis carved from carnelian. It is also noted that carnelian amulets were highly prized and were carved in the shapes of scarab or heart – symbols of eternal life.
Sada Jewelry presents Carnelian Earrings in 14K Gold
Napoleon found a carnelian seal during his Egyptian campaign and wore it as a lucky charm.
People in the Far East considered carnelian as a protector from witchcraft and sorcery. The ancient Romans attributed this birthstone with powers to protect them against natural disasters like flood, lightning, storm, and earthquake. Australian bushmen used carnelian as a symbol of good hunting.
Legends link the warm colors of this birthstone with promoting courage, public speaking confidence, singing voice strength, calming of anger and envy. If worn as a birthstone, carnelian was believed to add life and animation to colorless personalities and strengthen their confidence. It was also considered a preserver of vocal gifts of singers and performing artists
Aries birthstone - birthdays between April 1 and 20
Some astrologists believe that when zodiac signs ascend and descend they share the similar virtues with preceding and succeeding signs, and therefore it may be acceptable for Pisces born on April 21, 22 and 23 to use Rock crystal as their zodiacal birthstone as well.
Large Lemurian Gold Dipped Quartz Crystal Pendant designed by LizBethJewelryCo
From ancient times rock crystal was believed to help imagination and opening of the third eye.
Swedish philosopher, scientist and mystic Swedenborg described the gem as ‘Divine Truth in all its brightness’.
Charubel, early 20th century astrologist, though that rock crystal ‘is for the pure in heart and those who think of a better life.’
Some crystals are found with hair-like inclusions. Quartz with this type of inclusions is called Rutile. In France crystals with these effects were called ‘Flèches d’Amour’ meaning ‘Love’s Arrows’.
They were also called Pencils of Venus, Cupid’s Arrows, and Cupid’s Net. Rutile crystals were regarded as a charm for beauty, grace, skilled dancing and beautiful hair.
More about crystal meaning, beliefs and virtues
Taurus celestial birth rock - birth dates between 21 and 30 of April
Several astrologists are convinced that virtues of zodiacal signs overlap for around 3 days at ascendance and descendance of a sign. This means that those born on April 18, 19, and 20 can potentially used Ruby as their astral birth gem as well.
Ruby is a variety of corundum mineral. In other words, it is a variety of sapphire though in the US this gem can be called a ruby if a certain color saturation is achieved.
Ruby Royale 14K Rose Gold Ruby and Diamond Necklace
In ancient times Burma was the primary supplier of rubies and large gemstones were a monopoly of the Burmese Crown. The king was called ‘Lord of the Rubies’ and he made it compulsory for the miners to surrender large gems to the crown.
Dreams of rubies were believed to have indicated success in business ventures and professional development.
The birthstone was considered more fortunate if worn on the left side of the body. Star ruby was accepted as a symbol of love, friendship and constancy.
More about ruby birthstone