Garnet is a January birthstone by month, February special apostle birth rock, and May guardian angel birthstone. Additionally it is a Scorpio zodiacal birth gem. Garnets were long believed to possess mystical powers to assure the birthstone wearer of good health and friendship.
Tiara set with red garnets
Garnet’s name comes from Latin ‘granatus’ meaning ‘grain like’ because it resembles pomegranate blossom. The gem’s name exists in other spelling variations like gernet, garnette, or garnat stone. Garnets are found in many parts of the world and were known to people centuries ago.
This birthstone’s usual color is the one that resembles ruby – red, though this gem also comes in hues of green, orange, rose, violet and cinnamon brown. Red garnets are hailed as birthstones of inspiration, strengthening and vivifying human nature.
Bohemia has long been considered the center of garnet industry, however nowadays it is found in many parts of the world including New York City metro area. One of the largest specimens was found in Herald Square and is now in the Natural History Museum. In fact, thousands of garnets were found on Manhattan Island. Rockhounds often search for these gems after big storms as they get washed out and can be spotted gleaming against rock and sand.
Some peoples in middle Asia used garnets as bullets, for example during the Kashmir rebellion against British troops in 1892. Many soldiers actually kept those precious bullets as souvenirs.
Because garnets are softer than gems like diamonds, sapphires, or rubies, they were often used for engravings. They were also carved into heads of emperors or gods.
In Persia this birth gem was considered a talisman from nature's forces like storm and lightning. It was widely accepted that garnet could signal approaching danger by turning pale. During the middle ages this birthstone was its own protection against theft, bringing misfortune to the thief until the stone was returned to the rightful owner.
Ancient legends attributed to garnet calming influence over hot tempered individuals. Psychoanalysts used garnets in their sessions.
This birthstone was a symbol and has a meaning of faith, constancy, and cheerfulness. Parting friends would often present garnets to each other as it was supposed to preserve friendship.
Lions were often engraved on garnets to protect the wearer and preserve their health and honor, guarding them from dangers of travel.
Just like with other gemstones, garnets’ powers were believed to intensify if it was worn as a birthstone. Garnets were also highly valued as engagement ring gems.
Dream of garnets means the solution to a mystery. In Eastern Europe this birthstone meaning was constancy.
Tanzanian tsavorite garnet in an oval setting
Garnet necklace
Medicinally, garnets were long believed to relieve inflammation, and with deeper shades of this birthstone being more powerful. It was also widely accepted that garnet protected the wearer from poisoning. In ancient Russia it was considered that this gemstone could improve eyesight, and those who carried garnet would avoid nightmares and bad dreams. Garnets virtually come in every possible color like red, ruby-red, yellow, green, black etc. with blue color garnets being the rarest. Some varieties of this birthstone are significant enough to have a separate name.
Andradite named after the Portuguese mineralogist D’Andrada is a red birthstone, and also comes in green or black. Andradite is the most common garnet. It was not considered very attractive and was not popular until the discovery of Demantoid – facet quality variety of Andradite. Demantoid garnet comes in green hues and is arguably the most popular of garnets.
Yellow and translucent variety of Andradite garnet is called Topazolite because this gem is very similar to yellow topaz. Black variety is called Melanite.
The rarest of Andradite garnets is Uvarovite, which is named after Count Uvarov, a famous scientist in imperial Russia. It is very rare when crystals large enough to be faceted are found. This gem is emerald green color birthstone and has a spectacular brilliance. In Siberia it was thought that it was a gem of love and passion, and wives used to secretly insert Uvarovite garnet into husbands’ pillows. It was also believed that this birthstone could enhance foresight and bring fortune.
Another significant garnet species is called Grossular, and its most significant variety is Tsavorite. Tsavorite has relatively recently become a precious stone and was discovered by Tiffany & Co geologist in the 1970s near Tsavo national park in Tanzania. Its green colors can rival those of Emerald.
Hessonite is a yellow – orange – red variety of Grossular garnet. Grossular can also come in other colors including colorless.
Pyrop is the most well-known species of garnet. This is the one that comes in the famous red color. The name Pyrop means ‘like fire’ when translated from Greek. A very beautiful variety of this garnet is Rhodolite that occurs in a magnificent pink color. Almandine is a ubiquitous variety of Pyrop garnet also known as carbuncle and was often mistaken for a ruby and was nicknamed ‘Australian Ruby’.
Garnet is a favorite stone and is worn by many celebrities. Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge, and Keith Richards were spotted wearing garnet rings. Kate Beckinsale and Scarlett Johansson opted for the earrings set with this birthstone. I am not sure if Kevin Garnett owns a garnet, but he played in the “Uncut gems” movie.