Topaz is a November birthstone, April guardian angel birthstone, special apostle birth gem for the month of July, and Leo astral birth rock. Topaz – the gemstone of friendship symbolizing fidelity, loyalty and integrity. It was believed to attract wealth if worn as a birthstone.
Majestic blue topaz pendant
The name topaz may have been derived from a Sanskrit word ‘topas’ meaning heat. And indeed topaz is known for changing its color when exposed to extreme heat. Other sources including Pliny, Roman empire writer and military person, claim that it was impossible to trace the origin of this birthstone name because mariners brought it from faraway islands. According to an old legend, shipwrecked pirates were stranded on the island in the Red Sea and were digging for food, and accidentally discovered the gemstone. Marbodus, schoolmaster and bishop of Rennes, France wrote about topaz origins: “From seas remote the yellow topaz came, found in the island of the self-same name”. In Greek mythology the island was known as Topazios meaning ‘divine’.
In ancient times chrysolite was often mistaken for topaz. Later, when chemical composition and features of both gems had become known, the researchers could separate one from another.
Topaz – the gemstone of friendship symbolizing fidelity, loyalty and integrity. It was believed to attract wealth if worn as a birthstone, as well as favors from persons of high authority. In ancient cultures topaz was considered under the influence of the sun. Though there are many known colors of this gemstone, yellow was considered a true topaz. Pliny, Roman empire military commander and philosopher, called it the gem of strength, and valued topaz highly if it had a tint of orange, color associated with vigor.
Yellow topaz earrings
Mystic topaz necklace
The powers of dispelling black magic and evil spells was long attributed to this birth gem. In middle ages it was believed to have more magical powers, especially for wealth building, if set in gold and worn on the left arm. Topaz was also rumored to secure favours from royalty and people of high rank if the figure of a flying falcon was engraved on it.
Topaz was considered a remedy from sexual disorders, asthma, nose and throat issues. It was believed to be the lucky charm that prevented drowning.The birthstone was also used to improve eyesight and protect the wearer from burns and scars.
Pliny the Elder called this gem the ‘Stone of strength’. Charubel, early 20th century author and mystic, claimed that topaz gave power to the weak, voice to the voiceless, hope to hopeless.
Dreams about topaz were thought to be symbolic of protection from harm and poison.
Many topaz gems are found in dull colors and are later treated to obtain a more attractive color. In 1750 Parisian jeweler Dumelle was the first one to discover that if you take a golden-brown topaz and expose it to extreme heat then it would permanently turn pink. Nowadays this birthstone is also irradiated (treated by small doses of radiation) in order to give it a desirable blue color. Naturally occurring blue topaz is very rare.
Topaz gemstone occurs in different parts of our earth like the US, Russia, Australia, Sweden, Japan, Brazil, Germany, Sri Lanka etc.
There are several interesting stories about discovery of significant size topazes. For example, there is a large white topaz at the British Museum that was purchased as a door stopper from a marine shop operator for a very small amount of money. The famous Queen Mary of England possessed a magnificent blue topaz found in Queensland, Australia. The gemstone was discovered by a shepherd who was annoyed by a howling dog at night and threw the first rock he could find at the animal. In the morning the shepherd looked at this stone and noticed its precious nature.
Topaz was a favourite stone of many famous people from ancient to modern times. Emperor Hadrian, whose reign was one of the most successful, peaceful and prosperous in the history of the Roman Empire, wore an antique ring set with the topaz that was engraved with Latin words meaning ‘faith in the almighty to overrule nature and fortune’.
The red carpet cameras photographed Meghan Markle, Cate Blanchett, Taylor Swift, Jennifer Lopez and other celebrities, all wearing pieces of jewelry set with this wonderful birthstone.