Birthstones by Month
There are multiple birthstones by month lists and their interpretations. Arguably, the four most distinctive ones would be by birth month, guardian angel, special apostle, and sign of zodiac birthstone lists. These lists provide good options and the choice is ultimately yours!
A drawing of an Amethyst - February birthstone, November guardian angel and special apostle birth gem, and astral birthstone of Aquarius
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Introduction to birthstones
It is believed there is a mystical and spiritual bond between the person born in that month and their birthstone. The owner of a jewelry piece set with a birthstone is impressed with the idea of possessing something more intimately associated with their personality then any other gem. And surely those birthstones can look stunning! Monthly birthstone colors provide an amazing rainbow to adore and choose from!
Multiple birthstone lists exist, and I would like to present the 4 most distinct lists of birthstones: according to birth month, zodiac signs birthstones, special apostle and guardian angel birthstones. The lists are presented in tables below this article. Each person has a choice of at least 4 birthstones that can be worn separately or combined. The choice is ultimately yours! For example, a person born on July 14 will have ruby as a month birthstone, agate and beryl as Cancer zodiac sign birthstones, sapphire as guardian angel birthstone, and topaz as special apostle birth gem. Good choice, isn’t it?
Some historians say there is evidence that a few centuries ago some people would purchase a set of 12 birthstone gems and wear them in turn each month according to the zodiac signs calendar. Catherine de' Medici is said to have worn a girdle set with magnificent gemstones as large as crown pieces.
A brilliant and very popular natural gemstone birthstone necklace by TomDesign. Comes in different birthstone numbers and combinations in gold, rose gold, and silver.
Origin of Birthstones
Most if not all birthstone lists are based on either New Jerusalem foundation gems mentioned in Revelation or on Aaron's breastplate gemstones described in Exodus.
Most likely, the 1st mentionings of birthstones go back to the 1st and the 5th centuries A.D. Both Flavius Josephus and St Jerome declared a clear connection between the breastplate of the high priest and the 12 months of the year as well as the 12 zodiac signs.
Josephus wrote that there were “twelve stones upon the Breastplate, extraordinary in largeness and beauty: and they were an ornament not to be purchased by men because of their immense value”.
The breastplate of the high priest in Jewish tradition was treated with deepest respect, and gems set in it were believed to be emblematic of many things. Birthstone names in some cases aren't identical to those given in the book of Exodus most likely due to different versions of translation from Hebrew and Greek. The original order in which the foundation stones are given in Revelation determine the order of birthstones starting from March - the month of spring Equinox.
Despite the early mentionings of the birthstones, documented wearing of them as birth symbols or birth gems dates as late as the 16th century. The tradition originates from either Poland or Germany. It is also believed that Arabian astrologists may have originally brought the idea to Europe in the 15th century.
Magnificent Emerald raw style stud earrings by TomDesign. Emerald is one of the most revered birthstones.
Birthstone Lists
by month, by guardian angel, by special apostle
The 12 foundation stones mentioned in the Revelation of St. John are directly associated with the 12 apostles. The assignment of each gem to the respective apostle happened at a later time, around the 8th century. Besides this, even later, we would see the 12 angels associated with the months and signs of zodiac. Guardian angels birthstones are also commonly called ‘talismanic gems’.
As we already know, there were multiple birthstone by month lists circulating, and in an attempt to unify it in August 1912 in Kansas City the National Association of Jewelers agreed on the standard birthstone by birth month list, which has been revised in 2019 by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). Great Britain uses a list of birthstones similar to the GIA one with some small changes.
Month | Month Birthstone | Guardian Angel Birthstone | Special Apostle Birthstone |
January | Garnet | Onyx | Jasper |
February | Amethyst | Jasper | Red Garnet |
March | Aquamarine, Bloodstone | Ruby | Emerald |
April | Diamond | Topaz | Carnelian |
May | Emerald | Red Garnet | Peridot |
June | Pearl, Moonstone, Alexandrite | Emerald | Beryl |
July | Ruby | Sapphire | Topaz |
August | Peridot, Spinel | Diamond | Sardonyx |
September | Sapphire | Jacinth | Chrysoprase |
October | Opal, Tourmaline | Agate | Jacinth |
November | Topaz, Citrine | Amethyst | Amethyst |
December | Turquoise, Zircon, Tanzanite | Beryl | Sapphire |
On the image above there are raw style gem necklaces by LizBethJewelryCo set with birthstones like garnet, carnelian, peridot, citrine, peridot, aquamarine, topaz, turquoise, lapis lazuli, amethyst, moonstone etc.
Birthstone List
by zodiac sign
Astrological calendars and zodiac signs came to the western culture from ancient Babylon. People were convinced that they strengthened the influence of their zodiacal sign by wearing the appropriate birthstone. It was done to achieve the transmission of stellar influences passed through the gem. Zodiacal birthstone list is arguably the most disputed out of all, and I made a choice of the zodiac sign birthstone list based on the old Spanish list from the beginning of the 17th century which was in turn very closely based on the ancient list of the Arabian astrologists. Minor changes have been performed.
Zodiac Sign | Dates of Birth | Birthstone |
Aquarius | 21 January - 18 February | Amethyst |
Pisces | 19 February - 20 March | Jade |
Aries | 21 March - 20 April | Crystal |
Taurus | 21 April - 21 May | Ruby and Diamond |
Gemini | 22 May - 21 June | Sapphire |
Cancer | 21 June - 22 July | Agate and Beryl |
Leo | 23 July - 22 August | Topaz |
Virgo | 23 August - 22 September | Lapis-Lazuli |
Libra | 23 September - 23 October | Jasper |
Scorpio | 24 October - 21 November | Garnet |
Sagittarius | 22 November - 21 December | Emerald |
Capricorn | 22 December - 21 January | Chalcedony |
The Ancient Alien Theory view on the birthstones.