Leo Birthstones
Whether you were born on July 25 or August 10, or whether you are a boy or a girl, you we born under the celestial sign of Leo so deal with it Leo is the 5th zodiac sign that was worshipped by ancient Egyptians because it was present when the Nile valley was flooded representing a rich harvest.
A chain set with a large topaz - Leo birthstone according to an ancient list
What is the birthstone for Leo? According to a list that is subsequently based on an ancient Arabic list that we use it is topaz. There are other notable crystals for Leo man and woman, and we are listing them below.
Some researchers point that birthstone carnelian is for Leo. This is based on the fact that Leo is the 5th zodiac sign and carnelian is likely the 5th stone of high priest Aaron breastplate that was used as a foundation of birthstones assignment. Ancient Magi (by the way the word ‘magic’ derives from it) had a symbolic image representing the Sun passing through Leo zodiacal constellation. The image had a king wearing a yellow robe with raven and globe. It was also thought that the famous seal of kings Solomon and David called Magen David was the most potent when engraved on a carnelian.
According to the famous astrologist of the late 19th century Isidore Kozminsky, who did a lot of research into gemstone beliefs, amber and sardonyx are also Leo birthstones.
A renowned gemologist and birthstone author of the early 20th century George Kunz assigned onyx as Leo birthstone. He is even rumored to have authored the following rhyme.
When youth to manhood shall have grown,
Under Leo lorn and lone
’Twill have lived but for this stone,
The onyx.
Rough amber. Amber is a Leo birthstone as per Kozminsky - a respected astrologist who lived 100 years ago
Because the sign of Leo was symbolic of the Sun, many believe that sapphire, especially colored in yellow and orange hues, can also be considered Leo birthstone.
Leo birthstone color is red and green as per many researchers. Based on that, an early 20th century astrologist Horace Thomson assigned ruby and jade as Leo birthstones.
I hope you enjoyed the article and found your Leo birthstone! If you are a Leo born in August you may wish to explore August birthstones as by month and by zodiac birthstone lists are different.
To summarize, Leo birth gems are topaz, carnelian, sardonyx, onyx, amber, yellow sapphire, ruby and jade.