Gemstones for Career Luck
What are the gems for career success? Below is the list of top 10 gemstones for career luck that cover multiple aspect required for that like ability to influence people, confidence in public speaking, enhancement of brain activity, ability to read and understand complex documents, gain favors from people with authority and so on. Happy reading! We hope you find you career stone.
Amber was used by the ancients to restore strength and vitality after working hard
In order to progress through the career ladder, you need to have the ability to influence people. It also goes without saying that most jobs involve reading and interpreting documents, some of which can be pretty tricky and complex. The career success gem that was believed to help with both is moss agate. It was also considered by gypsy to be the most powerful lucky stone, and they valued it above any other gem.
One has to have the energy to be successful at work, and energy is not just the result of drinking coffee, but also the result of having a good rest so that the body and mind can recharge. Amber was used by the ancients to restore strength and vitality, and it was also considered to be a talisman against evil eye and black magic.
How about decision making? Many would say this is one of the most important aspects. A career success stone that addresses it is amethyst. It was thought to empower people with tremendous judgement.
One of the most important job success gems is believed to be the emerald. It was considered a birthstone of intelligence, action, and wealth. It was also thought that birthstone emerald could foresee future events and sharpen wearer’s mind. Ancient alchemist prescribed emerald to those who wanted to master public speaking.
One more career luck gem that was believed to provide foresight to the wearer is opal. It was also thought opal could assure clear thinking and great memory.
Topaz is thought to help gain favors from people who have authority and power.
6. Imagination is something that many creative occupations rely on, however it is required for almost all other professions even those considered boring and monotonous. Another important factor is intuition as it dictates the success of many business decisions. Aquamarine is another one among important work success stones that is believed to stimulate intuition and imagination, as well as help defeat fears and gain control over emotions.
7. Another good gemstone for professional success is beryl which was thought to allow the wearer to achieve goals while working in harmony with others, to be invincible but still friendly with opponents. It was also believed that birthstone beryl would stimulate brain activity and help make friends and alliances.
8. Can a sapphire be accepted as one of the career stones? Definitely! This gemstone was considered a powerful symbol that could open closed doors, inspire imagination, and help the dreams come true. Apart from it, it is a very popular blue birthstone.
9. Often, especially when you begin your career, you need to secure relations as well as favors from people who have authority and power. It is accepted that the best gem for this would be topaz. Charubel, early 20th century author and mystic, claimed that topaz gave power to the weak, voice to the voiceless, hope to hopeless.
10. Another gems that is thought to attract friends, gain favors and realize hopes is lapis lazuli.
What is the best stone for career success? It is totally up to you to choose the one, or you can take several or even all of them! Needless to say that it was believed that gems were more powerful if they were person’s birthstones.