Agate is a guardian angel birthstone for October and a Cancer astral birthstone. Agate was the favorite amulet gemstone of the ancient times. It was considered a very strong talisman against evil eye and other forms of witchcraft.
Cut and polished slice of agate
Agate – the symbol of health and longevity, is a mostly banded variety of quartz (for example amethyst and crystal are also types of quartz). It is a hard mineral which makes it a good gem for everyday wear. This birthstone comes in all imaginable colors with several of them often present in one gem: yellow and green, purple and red, pink and blue, milky-white lilac and orange, etc. Patterns that mother nature creates in agates are mesmerizing. This birthstone can be found in many places of the world: from Australia to the USA, from Europe to Brazil and Mexico.
The name agate (also known as agath, agget, agot, agat etc) is possibly derived from the name of the river Achates in present day Sicily, Italy. According to another version the gem took its name from the Hebrew word ‘nakad’ meaning ‘spotted’.
Many theologians and historians agree that agate was the 8th stone in breastplate of the high priest and was known as ‘shebo’. Greek king Pyrrhus possessed a ring set with birthstone agate symbolizing Apollo, god or oracles, arts and knowledge, and his 9 muses.
Below is a short 5 minute video of master lapidary Brent Knowlton cutting a cabochon from a beautiful lace agate.
Agate – the favorite amulet gemstone of the ancient times. It was considered to have very strong magical properties against evil eye and other forms of witchcraft. The most in demand agates had beautiful color bands, and especially the once that revealed an outline of an eye when cut. It was believed that this birth gem could help avert death by poison. Romans credited agate for bringing goods crops. To them and also to the warriors, it gave strength and ability to overcome obstacles. Those whose birthstone it was, were wearing it during travels to seek protection from unknown dangers as well as from natural disasters like lightning, tsunami, earthquake, flood, or storm.
It was believed that carrying agate birthstone amulet would protect the wearer from infections and viruses. Wearer of this gemstone was assured of long life, health and prosperity. She or he “would be able to meet threats and danger with a bold heart and calm exterior”. It was presumed that birthstone agate extended its magic powers to anyone wearing it, though it had particularly strong influence if worn as a birthstone.
Pink agate necklace
Agate pendant set in bronze
Cameo rings with two or more alternating agate colors were believed to bring inherited wealth or buried treasure. This ring was expected to make the wearer a social favorite much loved by their friends.
Dreams of agates were interpreted to mean a journey. Agates were used to cure tired eyes, lungs, kidneys.
Queen Elizabeth gave an agate ring carved with her profile to the Duke of Earl. She promised she would fulfill any request from him if he would ever to return the ring to her. When the Duke was a prisoner in the Tower of London, he sent a messenger with this agate ring back to the Queen. However, the messenger kept the ring, and confessed only years later at her deathbed.
There are multiple notable varieties of agate like moss, dendric or crazy lace ones. Moss agate is worth a separate mention. The Romans claimed that gods gave this gem special powers through pictures of tiny lakes, trees, clouds and faces that no other gemstone had. Moss agate was considered much more powerful then banded agate.
Gypsy considered moss agate birthstone lucky and valued it above most other gemstones. The best quality moss agates were also referred to as ‘Mocha stones’ because they were shipped from the ancient port of Mocha.
In the Far East moss agate amulets were popular among lawyers and students as the gems were expected to bring the wearer the ability to influence people as well as interpret wills and documents. Adventurers also valued those agates as they were assumed to help in discovering the unknown.
You can occasionally spot celebrities wearing agates. Amy Adams wore agate earrings at one of the talk show appearances. Jennifer Aniston has been spotted with agate jewelry on multiple occasions. Paris Hilton opted for pink agate necklace. All in all, agates are in demand.