July Birthstones
July offers a rich choice of premium birthstones: Ruby as July birthstone, Sapphire as guardian angel birth rock, special apostle July birthstone Topaz, Agate and Beryl as Cancer celestial birth gems.
Amber is the high priest July birthstone from the alternative list.
Blue topaz pendant
Introduction to July birthstones
Having such a wonderful choice, which birthstone is for you? Well, it may be the gem that reflects your personality, it may be the birthstone that you feel most connected to, it may be the birth gem that you like the most or that suits you better, or it may be all of them. In other words, it’s totally up to you!
Humans were always intrigued about possessing a gemstone that is more than just a gem set in a ring or a necklace. A rock with spiritual and mental connection, something close to our heart and soul - a birthstone.
Most birthstone list renditions are are based on biblical Aaron's breastplate gemstones or the gems from the foundation of New Jerusalem and are assigned as birthstones by month. I have picked the 4 most relevant in my opinion lists of birthstones: by birth month, guardian angel birthstones, by zodiac sign, and special apostle birthstones list.
“July is a blind date with summer.” - wrote Hal Borland, a famous American writer. July is the month when the Bikini swimsuit was first introduced by a French designer Louis Reard, Apollo 11 astronauts were launched into space and Disneyland in Anaheim, California opened for the first time. Liv Tyler, Margot Robbie, Tom Cruise, Lindsay Lohan, Eva Green, Kevin Hart, Tom Hanks, Sofia Vergara and many other famous people who are actually July babies. July is named by the Roman Senate after Emperor Julius Cesar. It's a national ice cream and hot dog month, the 4th of july, parent’s day and national dance day are celebrated in July.
Verchiel is a guardian angel of love and affection – a patron of the month of July.
Special apostle for the month is Matthew who is also known as Saint Matthew and Levi. He was the apostle who, as per the New Testament, witnessed the ascension of Jesus. According to christian mysticism he is considered an angel - a supernatural being in between humans and god. Matthew is a patron of bank workers, accountants, tax collectors, civil servants and perfumers.
July birthstone - birthdays between July 1 and 31
Traditional golden pendant with a large ruby as a centerpiece
Ruby is an insanely popular birthstone with a huge number of celebrities who wore it and occasions it was used for. Emily Blunt, Penelope Cruz, Naomi Watts, Jessica Simpson, Scarlett Johansson and on and on. Sometimes it seems to be easier to mention those who did not wear rubies.
Persians regarded this July birthstone as a symbol of dignity, charity and divine power. In Burma ruby represented the last reincarnation stage that preceded divinity. The bithstone signified life and happiness. In the Hindu culture ruby was one of the gems in the magical necklace of Vishnu, one of the most important holy gods and the member of holy trinity in Hinduism.
July guardian angel birth gem - those born on July 1 to July 31
Pendant decorated with different color sapphire gems
From a very long time ago, sapphire was regarded as a gemstone of divine and beautiful thoughts, and was used as a protection from devil, black magic, sorcery, witchcraft and evil forces.
Blueish or greyish cloudy sapphires would sometimes reveal six beams of light radiating from a point within a stone. They are often called ‘star sapphires’ and they were regarded to be a love charm six was a number sacred to Venus. The wife of Charles the Great the Emperor of Romans possessed a talisman composed of two sapphires. This talisman was rumored to have kept the affection of Charles to her wife for the length of her life.
More about this fascinating birthstone - sapphire
July special apostle birth rock - birthdays between July 1 and 31
Yellow topaz earrings
Topaz is also Leo celestial birthstone.
Topaz – the gemstone of friendship symbolizing fidelity, loyalty and integrity. It was believed to attract wealth if worn as a birthstone, as well as favors from persons of high authority. In ancient cultures topaz was considered under the influence of the sun.
Though there are many known colors of this gemstone, yellow was considered a true topaz. Pliny, Roman empire military commander and philosopher, called it the gem of strength, and valued topaz highly if it had a tint of orange, color associated with vigor.
More about topaz benefits and stories
Cancer zodiacal birth gem - birthdays between July 1 to July 22
Many astrologists think that zodiac signs overlap when they change one another and share the similar virtues with preceding and succeeding signs, and therefore it may be acceptable for Leos born on July 23, 24, and 25 to use agate as their zodiacal birthstone as well.
Pink agate necklace
It was believed that carrying agate amulet would protect the wearer from infections and viruses. Wearer of this gemstone was assured of long life, health and prosperity. She or he “would be able to meet threats and danger with a bold heart and calm exterior”. It was presumed that agate extended its magic powers to anyone wearing it, though it had particularly strong influence if worn as a birthstone
Cameo rings with two or more alternating agate colors were believed to bring inherited wealth or buried treasure. This ring was expected to make the wearer a social favorite much loved by their friends.
More about birthstone agate meaning and virtues
Cancer zodiacal birtstone - birth dates between July 1 and 22
Some astrologists believe that when zodiac signs ascend and descend they share the similar virtues with preceding and succeeding signs, and therefore it may be acceptable for Leos born on July 23, 24 and 25 to use beryl as their zodiacal birthstone as well.
Rough of bixbite - the most expensive and rare beryl of red color
Beryl was considered a valuable gemstone in cases of family disagreements and lawsuits, especially over property. If the person was wearing beryl as birthstone, she or he was assumed to be invincible and unconquerable however still friendly with opponents or enemies. It was reckoned that beryl would stimulate brain activity and intellect, as well as bring courage to warriors.
The gemstone was believed to reawaken the love of those who are married. In the Middle East and Far East beryl was, and perhaps still is, a popular bridal gift because it is symbolic of purity and congeniality.
More about birthstone beryl
High priest birthstone for July - birthdays between July 1 and 31
Amber is a July birthstone from the alternative birthstone list that is based on the breastplate gems of Aaron - biblical high priest.
Amber is an organic resin that got fossilized over time. It is a gemstone of mostly yellow color with shades ranging from bright yellow to darker reddish and brownish yellow or even almost black. Notably, amber from Dominican Republic is blue. 90% of all amber deposits are located in the former Prussia known as Kaliningrad region of Russia nowadays.
When this tree gum was still soft and sticky, it attracted insects and other small creatures that were often fossilized together with amber. Some of the most valuable specimens contain these insects some of which have long been extinct.
Because amber is relatively soft this birthstone was one of the first materials used by humans to produce decorations. Numerous amber artifacts were found in Egypt dating back to the 6th dynasty in 3200 B.C.
Baltic amber earrings
Amber brooch and amber beads necklace
Even now good quantities of quality amber can be found along the shores of the Baltic sea. In ancient times this gem was used as currency in the region and spread all over Europe.
The Romans prized amber so much that they demanded Britons pay the tribute in this gemstone.
This birthstone was most popular in Rome during the reign of Emperor Nero. He used the phrase ‘amber colored’ when he described his wife’s hair which prompted many fashionable ladies of the empire to attempt to chase the same hair color and popularized this gem.
Amber was also given the name ‘amuletum’ and was worn by children and used as a charm against poison and witchcraft.
The name amber is derived from the Arabic word ‘ambar’. Ancient Greeks called the gem ‘elektron’ from which the word electricity has been derived. There is an old Greek legend saying that amber gems are tears of Heliades – the three sisters and children of the sun called Helios, Clymene and Oceanid. The sun in Greece was called ‘Elecktor’ and that gave the name to amber over there. Callistratus, Greek politician of the 4th century B.C. said about a golden color amber that it “presents most beautiful tints in the morning, attracts flame with the greatest rapidity, igniting the moment it approaches fire.”
When cut into different magical forms, amber was used as a talisman against evil eye and black magic. The birthstone was so esteemed in the East, that the shah of Persia was rumored to wear a large block of amber on his neck in order to gain protection against assassination. In Europe gem specimens that had nature made imperfections that looked like letters or initials were in high demand. Friedrich Wilhelm I, the 17th century king of Prussia, was said to have paid an absolute fortune for a piece of amber that had the markings resembling his initials. This type of gemstone was considered to have a great talismanic power.
There is an interesting old legend about parents whose daughter had a tendency to lie. They took her to a magical merlin who placed and an amber necklace on her neck and said that if she told a lie the beads would tighten reminding her to correct her words. If she did not adhere to this warning than the beads would choke her. As the story goes, the girl had become a very truthful child.
In pre-Christian Europe this birthstone was believed to preserve and restore strength and vitality. Warriors would often wear amber amulets to achieve victory in battles. People in the Baltic region thought that the gem prolonged life and prevented joint pain. Brides considered amber an amulet that insured happiness and long life and would wear it at their weddings. Eskimo and Tibetan people believed that amber was a good talisman for fishing and hunting.
Dreams of amber are said to mean an upcoming voyage. According to Kabbalah it was an indication of some kind of movement or change.