February Birthstones
If you were the one to be born in February then you would have a choice of at least 3 birthstones to pick from: Amethyst being a month birthstone, February guardian angel birthstone - Jasper, February special apostle birth rock - Red Garnet.
In addition to the mentioned gemstones, Jade is also eligible for February list as Pisces birthstone, and Serpentine is a February birthstone according to one of the alternative birthstone lists.
Introduction to February birthstones
Plenty of birthstones, right? Which one should you choose? Well, it may be the gem that reflects your personality, it may be the birthstone that you feel most connected to, it may be the birth gem that you like the most or that suits you better, or it may be all of them. In other words, it’s totally up to you!
Humans were always always intrigued about possessing a gemstone that is more than just a gem. A rock with spiritual and mental connection, something close to our heart and soul - a birthstone.
Most birthstone lists are based on biblical mentionings of Aaron's breastplate gemstones or the gems from the foundation of New Jerusalem. I have used the 4 most relevant and interesting in my opinion charts of birthstones: by birth month, guardian angel birthstones, by zodiac sign, and special apostle birthstones list.
It is widely accepted that humans have a deep connection with a month of birth. “February - the month of love..?!! No wonder the shortest one in the calendar.” someone once said.
February is the shortest month of the year that once in every 4 years has 29 days. The month's name means 'purification' when translated from Latin. St. Valentine's day, Groundhog day, and Inventors' day are celebrated in this month, and Super Bowl Sunday normally happens in February as well. Aviation pioneer Charles Lindbergh, naturalist and scientist Charles Darwin, Elizabeth Taylor, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln saw the light for the first time in that month.
The guardian angel for February is Barachiel (ברכיאל in Hebrew), the patron of families and married life. He is thought to be sent by god to look after children. The archangel is particularly sacred for eastern catholic and orthodox religions. Barachiel is often referred to as ‘the boss of angels’ with 496,000 angels reporting to him.
February special apostle is Andrew, the brother of St Peter. St Andrew’s cross is on the flag of Scotland and Russian navy. He is considered to be a patron of fishermen, workers of textile industry, artists, miners, farmers, and butchers. St Andrew is widely accepted as a protector of expecting women, he is believed to help with protection from whooping cough, fever and convulsions.
February birthstone - birthdays between February 1 and 29
The gem is also Aquarius astral birthstone.
Amethyst is accepted as the 9th stone of the breastplate and was always connected to the people of power and authority. It was endorsed by royalty and inspired others.
Amethyst earrings
According to many renowned theologists, Joseph himself wore ‘purple and drove his chariot through all the land of Egypt’.
Patrick in the ‘Devotions of the Roman church’ expressed that the wedding ring of Joseph and virgin Mary was amethyst.
Amethyst was attributed to calming fears and curing the nervous system, bringing peace and serenity to the owner.
It was also believed to stop the spread of infectious diseases.
February guardian angel birth rock - Feb babies born 1 through to 29
Jasper was a gemstone of angel Raphael and was a symbol of strength, courage, and wisdom. St. Jerome called it “the stone of spiritual graces”. In Christian mysticism jasper was the emblem of hope and gem sacred to the Virgin Mary.
Medicinally, in ancient times, jasper was used to cure stomach and bowel issues, combat fevers. Mottled jasper was worn to prevent death by water.
Believe it or not, but jasper was associated with men body parts, and dreaming of this birthstone was said to symbolize faithfulness in love known to mind before heart.
Jasper pendants
Red Garnet
Red Garnet
Special apostle birthstone - birth dates between February 1 and 29
Garnet’s name comes from Latin ‘granatus’ meaning ‘grain like’ because it resembles pomegranate blossom.
Pendant with 13 red garnets
In Persia this birth gem was considered a talisman from nature's forces like storm and lightning. It was widely accepted that garnet could signal approaching danger by turning pale. During the middle ages this birthstone was its own protection against theft, bringing misfortune to the thief until the stone was returned to the rightful owner.
Medicinally, garnets were long believed to relieve inflammation, and with deeper shades of this birthstone being more powerful. It was also widely accepted that garnet protected the wearer from poisoning
More about garnet
Pisces astral birth gemstone - February 19 to Feb 29 birthdays
Many astrologists believe that zodiac signs dates slightly overlap and share common properties, and that means that Pisces born on February 16, 17 and 18 can also use Jade as their birthstone.
Jade is a famous green birthstone that comes in two major varieties - nephrite and jadeite. Jade with rich emerald-green color hue is often called ‘Imperial jade’. This gem though exists and various other colors like yellow, black, purple, red, orange, white etc.
Jade bear figurine
This birthstone has been known to humans for thousands of years. It had the meaning of ‘king’ in China and was a symbol of high rank and authority. This gem was widely used in amulets.
It was believed if a person would hold jade in their hands then the secret virtue of the gemstone was absorbed into the body.
Jade is considered to be a symbol of love, and Chinese poets would often strike this gem because the sound would resemble the voice of a loved one to them.
More about jade and its meaning
High priest February birthstone - birthdays between February 1 and 29
Serpentine is a February birthstone from the alternative birthstone list that is based on the early interpretation of breastplate gemstones of Aaron - biblical high priest.
String of serpentine beads
Serpentine is a translucent or opaque birthstone of green color shades. Pliny, military figure and philosopher in the Roman empire, called this gemstone ‘Lapis Serpentinus’. The gem’s name is derived from the Latin word ‘serpens’ meaning sea serpent which skin color it resembles.
Serpentine was believed to help with rheumatism and was also used as a charm against snake bites. It was thought to scare away poisonous creatures like scorpions, insects and snakes.
Ancient Egyptians used serpentine to make their sacred scarabs. Persians, Assyrians and Babylonians used this mineral to produce cylinders of authority with some known specimens dating back to 4000 B.C.
To summarize the above article, February birthstones provide a fair line of beautiful gems for you to pick from! For example, February 14 birthstone is amethyst, jasper and red garnet are guardian angel and special apostle birth gems. Feb 25 birthstone will also be amethyst with the same guardian angel and special apostle birth rocks too, however jade can be added as February crystal for this date because it belongs to February Pisces. I hope I have not confused you! Happy reading and happy birthstone exploring!