March Birthstones
March babies are spoilt for birthstone choice having Aquamarine and Bloodstone as birthstones of the month, Ruby as guardian angel birthstone, Emerald as March special apostle birth gem, and Jade and Crystal as March born Pisces and Aries birthstones respectively.
Amazonite is a high priest birthstone for March from the alternative list.
Rock crystal formation
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Introduction to March birthstones
Having such a good variety of birthstones to choose from, which one should you pick? Well, it may be the gem that reflects your personality, it may be the birthstone that you feel most connected to, it may be the birth gem that you like the most or that suits you better, or it may be all of them. In other words, it’s totally up to you!
Humans were always intrigued about possessing a gemstone that is more than just a gem set in a ring or a necklace. A rock with spiritual and mental connection, something close to our heart and soul - a birthstone.
Most birthstone lists are based on biblical mentionings of Aaron's breastplate gemstones or the gems from the foundation of New Jerusalem. I have used the 4 most applicable and captivating in my opinion charts of birthstones: by birth month, guardian angel birthstones, by zodiac sign, and special apostle birthstones list.
A significant part of our identity comes from the time we first saw the light. Charles Dickens once wrote
“It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.”.
March is the first month of the year in the Roman calendar and the month of spring Equinox. World storytelling day and international astrology day are celebrated during this month. In March the Church of England ordained 32 women as its first female priests and the Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was passed. People like Albert Einstein, Lady Gaga and Bruce Willis were born in this month.
March guardian angel is Malchediel. He is considered the angel of courage giving people hope, optimism and enthusiasm.
Special apostles assigned to the month of March are James and John.
James was also known as James the Great (יַעֲקֹב in Hebrew) and is accepted as a patron of pharmacists, veterinarians, and woodcarvers. He is also a patron of Mexico, Spain, Nicaragua, Guatemala, and Philippines.
John the apostle (יוחנן בן זבדי in Hebrew) was a younger brother of James. He is a patron of editors and publishers, writers and book sellers, scientists and art dealers. St John is considered to be symbolic of love, friendship and loyalty.
March birthstone - birth dates between March 1 and 31
Pliny, the philosopher and navy commander of the Roman Empire, wrote that aquamarine takes its name from ‘the green of the sea’. And indeed, this March birthstone can come in varieties of green hues ranging from cool sea green to almost emerald deep green.
Aquamarine necklace
White gold ring set with aquamarine
In ancient times aquamarine was regarded almost as high as emerald. It was considered the gem of purity and often chosen for engagement rings. It was also used as an anniversary gift to a wife symbolizing happiness, constancy in love and marriage, and thought to bring protection from conflicts.
Aquamarine was worn as a birthstone to defeat fears and gain control over emotions. It was a favorite gemstone for students or people in occupations requiring deep studying. Aquamarine was believed to stimulate intellect, intuition, and imagination.
Romans considered this gem sacred to Neptune – the god of freshwater and the sea. Aquamarine was worn to travelers and explorers to gain protection from powers of nature and unknown dangers. Those birthstones were often engraved with Neptune's trident.
Aquamarines are a choice for engagement ring stone for many celebrities. Jessica Biel got the ring set with this March birthstone from Justin Timberlake, Megan Markles wore Princes Diana’s aquamarine at her wedding reception with Prince Harry. Charlize Theron had stunning marquise cut aquamarine earrings at the Golden Globes and Karlie Kloss wore stunning aquamarine gems set into ear drops style earrings at the Cannes Film Festival red carpet.
March alternative birthstone - birth dates between March 1 and 31
Yes, March birthstone bloodstone is a real thing. An old legend records that bloodstone originated at the crucifixion when drops of blood caused by Roman soldiers’ spears fell onto green jasper gemstones. From this time onwards this birthstone has been attributed with magical and divine powers.
The gnostics wore bloodstone birthstone amulets to prolong life and make the gem wearer courageous and wealthy. Greeks and Romans considered bloodstone the gem that brought favors. Athletes from these regions wore this rock because they believed its magic powers could give them endurance. Egyptians used bloodstone in rings and chose designs displaying rays of sun - a powerful symbol of worship of god of sun. Many European churches have altar vessels made of this mineral or inlaid with it.
Silver necklace set with different bloodstones
For those whose birthstone it is, bloodstone was thought to assure good physical and mental health as well as strength. This gemstone was considered emblematic of wisdom, courage and vitality.
A very peculiar fact is that separated peoples of the Arabian peninsula and the North American first nations both cut bloodstone birthstone into a heart shape in order to gain protection from the evil eye. In ancient times very few households were so poor that they could not afford having a bloodstone gem in their possession in order to protect their family. It was considered that bloodstone doubled its magic powers if it was the birthstone of the person in possession.
March guardian angel birthstone - birth dates between 1 and 31 of March
Yellow gold ruby and diamonds necklace
Ruby has many names in Sanskrit, and the most significant of them are ‘ratnaraj’ meaning ‘king of precious gemstones’, and ‘padmaraga’ that means ‘red as a lotus’.
It has been long believed that, if worn as a birthstone, ruby has influence to reconcile disagreements for separated friends or lovers and strengthen ties between them.
Ruby was regarded as a gem bringing health to the wearer and improving their mental state. The birthstone was also expected to bring safety and luck.
More about ruby meaning, beliefs and stories
March special apostle birthstone - birthdays between March 1 and 31
Earrings set with beautiful emeralds
Emerald – one of the sacred gemstones of the Atlanteans. It is believed to be the gem of intelligence and action, wealth, and service for the benefit of humanity. Emerald was often chosen as an alternative to diamond as an engagement ring stone because it would promote fidelity and happiness.
Gachala Emerald is a 858 carats gem found near Bogota, Columbia. It is one of the most valuable and famous emeralds in the word. Currently it is a part of the Smithsonian collection donated to the museum by Harry Winston, a renowned New York City jeweler.
More about birthstone emerald
Capricorn birthstone - birthdays range from January 1 to 20
Several astrologists believe that when signs overlap they share the same virtues hence it may be appropriate for Aries born on March 21, 22 and 23 to have Jade as their astral birthstone as well.
The name jade is derived from the Spanish ‘piedra de hijada’, meaning literally ‘stone of the flank’ , and the same can be said about the word ‘nephrite’.
A nicely carved jade amulet
Centuries before the Christian times, jade had a meaning of the nine accomplishments which are Charity, Goodness, Virtue, Knowledge, Skill, Morality, Divination, Rectitude, and Harmony.
In the Middle East jade was used as a talisman against injuries. It was believed that jade has mystical powers to help at childbirth. This belief relates to Babylonian goddess Ishtar who possessed a jade girdle which she took off when entering the 5th gate of the underworld.
More about birthstone jade
Aries birthstone - birthdays between March 21 and 31
Some astrologists believe that when zodiac signs change they share the similar properties hence it may be acceptable for Pisces born on March 18, 19 and 20 to use Rock crystal as their astral birthstone as well.
Crystal ball
Rock crystal, or simply crystal, is a clear and transparent variety of quartz. The name is derived from a Greek word ‘krystallos’ meaning ‘clear ice’. It was considered one of the most magical gemstones, and I guess we all know about the crystal ball.
In Japan the birthstone was called ‘sinsho’ and was considered a symbol of patience and was known as the ‘Jewel of Perfection’ and ‘Breath of the White Dragon.’ Crystal was used for making objects of art and crystal balls. Families would gather around the ball in a ceremony of gazing at it in order to seek guidance in path of life.
More about crystal birthstone, symbol and charm
High priesrt March birthstone - those born between March 1 and 31
Amazonite is a March birthstone from the alternative birthstone list that is based on one of the earliest interpretations of gems set in Aaron’s breastplate.
Amazonite or amazon stone is a green color variety of a mineral called feldspar. It occurs in many parts of the world like South Africa, China, Libya, US (in particular in Virginia, Pennsylvania and Colorado).
A pair of amazonite silver earrings
Many consider that the name ‘amazonite’ is derived from the Amazon river, however this gem was never found there. The river got named by the Spanish explorer Orellana only in the 16th century. It is said he named it like that after the encounter with local female warriors on the riverbanks. The female warriors were called the Amazons.
The more likely version of amazonite name origin tells that the birthstone was named after the Amazons of Thermodoon who were moon worshipers in an area located in present day Turkey. They were the ladies devoted to Diana – the goddess of the moon and women, and no male was allowed to live with them.
The Ancient Alien Theory view on the birthstones.