Which birthstone is the most common?
What is the least rarest birthstone? - some curious minds would ask. Before we embark on a journey exploring the most common birthstones, we need to set up criteria. First of all, the gem must be in the list of birth crystals whether the main one or the alternative, or part of the zodiac birthstones. Secondly, the gemstones must be very common if not to say abundant.
I will open a small secret here. All the gems in our top 5 most common birthstones list are varieties of quartz. Quartz is a silicon dioxide and is ubiquitous on planet Earth. It is also a very hard and durable material excellent for every day wear. So here is the countdown of the top 5 least rarest birthstones.
5. Amethyst
Birthstone amethyst was once a very valuable and pricy gem that was considered very rare until about 100 years ago when huge amounts of top quality amethyst were discovered in Brazil. Since then good quantity and decent quality occurrences were developed in the USA, Canada, and Africa. It can also be found in other places of the world.
Amethyst - surprisingly on of the least rarest birthstones
4. Carnelian
Carnelian was a famous birthstone of the ancient times, and was also considered to be one of the most powerful and now is one of the most common birthstones. It is of a red-orange color given to it by iron.
3. Agate
Birthstone agate is a banded translucent variety of quartz that comes in almost all imaginable colors and shapes and can be found in a multitude of global locations that would takes us a long time to mention all of them.
2. Jasper
Jasper is one of the least rarest birthstones. It can be found virtually everywhere: on river banks, in the forest, on the ocean or lake shores, in the ground etc. Jasper is another mysterious old birthstone. It is opaque and occurs in old colors of the rainbow and unicorns with an almost uncountable number of patterns.
Rock Crystal - the least rarest birthstone
1. Rock Crystal
Rock crystal is the most common birthstone of all. Rock crystal or simply crystal is mostly colorless transparent gemstone that is found everywhere. Birthstone rock crystal was believed to help imagination and opening of the third eye.