May Birthstones
May babies have a rich choice of major gems: Emerald, Red Garnet and Peridot as month, guardian angel and special apostle birthstones; Ruby, Diamond and Sapphire as Taurus and Gemini celestial birthstones.
Various rings set with transparent diamonds
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Introduction to May birthstones
Which one of the mentioned birthstones you should chose? Well, it may be the gem that reflects your personality, it may be the birthstone that you feel most connected to, it may be the birth gem that you like the most or that suits you better, or it may be all of them. In other words, it’s totally up to you!
Humans were always intrigued about possessing a gemstone that is more than just a gem set in a ring or a necklace. A rock with spiritual and mental connection, something close to our heart and soul - a birthstone.
Most if not all birthstones by month lists are based on biblical Aaron's breastplate gemstones or the gems from the foundation of New Jerusalem. I have picked the 4 most interesting in my opinion lists of birthstones: by birth month, guardian angel birthstones, by zodiac sign, and special apostle birthstones list.
“You are as welcome as the flowers in May.” - wrote Charles Macklin, an Irish actor of the 18th century who lived for 106 years. May is named after Greek goddess of fertility Maia. It is Older Americans, National Burger and National Military Appreciation Month. May is when Mother’s Day, Military Spouse Day, and National Teacher Appreciation Day are celebrated. Nazi Germany surrender to allied troops, Christopher Columbus discovery of Jamaica and Alan Shepard became the first American in space, all of these events happened in May. Celebrities like Dwayne Johnson, Adele, Enrique Iglesias, Janet Jackson and Robert Pattinson are May babies. I am sure you have your own rich story related to the month of May.
May's guardian angel is Amriel who is also often called Ambriel, and was regarded as an archangel of intellectual powers. He was believed to bring thinking clarity and balance.
Special apostle for this month is Bartholomew (בר-תולמי in Hebrew) who is also known as Nathaniel. He is considered to be the patron of butchers, cheese merchants, plasterers, and people working with leather. Bartholomew is believed to help with skin and neurological diseases.
May birthstone - birth dates between May 1 and 31
In Egypt emerald was cut in multiple shapes and used as a talisman in order to ward off evil.
Scarab shaped golden ring with 2 emeralds
Charubel, early 20th century occultist, wrote that the emerald is for those “who aspire to wisdom and seek enlightenment, and for those who seek the good of life”.
It was believed that the this May birthstone could foresee future events, and because of this the stone could disarm enemy enchantments. The birthstone was favoured among magicians and chamans.
Those who were in love were also able to find a prophetic aid in emeralds. It was said that the gem could reveal whether the fiancee’s feelings were true or false.
More about emerald birthstone meaning and virtues
Red Garnet
Red Garnet
May guardian angel birth gem - birthdays between May 1 and 31
Garnet is a famous gemstone of antiquity and modern times, and is mostly known for its green and red colors.
Tiara decorated with red garnets
Pyrop is the most well-known species of garnet. This is the one that comes in the famous red color. The name Pyrop means ‘like fire’ when translated from Greek. A very beautiful variety of this garnet is Rhodolite that occurs in a magnificent pink color. Almandine is a ubiquitous variety of Pyrop garnet also known as carbuncle and was often mistaken for a ruby and was nicknamed ‘Australian Ruby’.
In ancient Russia it was considered that this gemstone could improve eyesight, and those who carried garnet would avoid nightmares and bad dreams.
More information about garnet virtues and meaning
Special apostle birthstone for May - birthdays between Mayl 1 and 31
Vintage peridot brooch
Andreas, bishop of Cæsarea explained the connection between peridot and apostle Bartholomew: “The chrysolite, gleaming with the splendor of gold, may symbolize Bartholomew, since he was illustrious for his divine preaching and his store of virtues.”
Peridot or chrysolite is a gem quality mineral called olivine. Olivine is a common mineral; however it weathers really quickly making facet quality stone a rarity. The gemstone exists in multiple hues of one color – green. Arguably, the most popular peridot color shade is called ‘chartreuse’ named after a famous French liqueur Chartreuse that is made out of about 150 herbs and comes in green color.
More about birthstone peridot
Taurus celestial birth rock - birth dates between 1 and 21 of May
Several astrologists are convinced that virtues of zodiacal signs overlap for around 3 days at ascendance and descendance of a sign. This means that those born on May 22, 23, and 24 can potentially use Ruby as their astral birth gem as well.
In the 19th century French book “Lapidaire en Vers” it says “by Christ’s command the ruby was placed on Aaron’s neck, the ruby, called the lord of gems; the highly prized, the dearly loved ruby, so fair with its gay color.”
Yellow gold ruby and diamonds necklace
Pliny, Roman military chief and philosopher, thought that ruby was of igneous origin and that they were created by a fire from heaven or, in other words, lightning strikes. Even in Germany the stone was called ‘Donnerkeil’ meaning ‘thunderbolt’.
English king Henry VIII wore the ‘Régale of France’ ruby to achieve victory, remove obstacles and reveal hidden places of stolen treasure.
The gemstone is emblematic of material love, power, passion, affection, and majesty.
More about birthstone ruby
Taurus astral birthstone - birth dates between May 1 and 21
Some astrologists believe that when zodiac signs ascend and descend they share the similar virtues with preceding and succeeding signs, and therefore it may be acceptable for Gemini born on May 22, 23 and 24 to use Rock crystal as their zodiacal birthstone as well.
Heart shaped pendant set with numerous diamonds
The legend says that the ‘god of mines’ took ruby, sapphire and emerald and blended them together to create one superior gemstone, that is on one hand colorless, and on the other hand can display an entire spectrum of colors. Another legend tells that Jupiter, the king of gods, turned into diamond one young man who asked to remain unchanged forever.
According to Talmud, diamond was worn by the highest priest. This gem was believed to tell who was guilty and who was innocent. If the accused were innocent the gemstone would display a brilliant shine, and if the accused were guilty it would turn grim.
Gemini celestial birth gem - those born May 22 to May 31
Several astrologists think that there is no firm line when one zodiac sign replaces the other, and they slightly overlap. In other words, Tauruses with birthdays on May 19, 20 and 21 may also wear sapphires as their astral birthstones.
Pendant decorated with different color sapphire gems
Sapphire is known for its blue color spectrum though it can come in a variety of other colors like black, yellow, orange, grey, pink, purple, orange, brown, and even colorless.
One of the most popular and timeless tints of the gem is velvety blue, also called ‘bleu du roi’ or royal blue. You can also say that ruby is a red variety of sapphire. In the US sapphire has to be of a certain red tone to be called a ruby. The rarest in nature and the most expensive non-blue sapphire is called padparadscha. It is an exquisite pink to orange birthstone adored by many people.
More information about sapphire birthstone
May birthstones deliver arguably the best range of magnificent facetable gemstones. There are some range variations depending on the date of birth. Let’s say, May 5 birthstone is emerald with red garnet and peridot being guardian angel and special apostle May gems, and ruby and diamond May Taurus birthstones. Birthstone for May 26 is also emerald with the same apostle and angel rocks, but there is no ruby or diamond, however there is a sapphire which is Gemini May crystal.