Virgo Birthstones
Out of all zodiac signs, Virgo seems to be the most unusual one being virgin and a unicorn at the same time. Virgo is the 6th sign of zodiac and is based on the ancient Greek goddess Astraea – the symbol of purity, precision, and justice. Zodiac element for Virgo is Earth. Virgo birthstone color is black and blue.
What is Virgo birthstone?
According to the ancient list we use it is birthstone lapis-lazuli. Other sources also add Virgo stones and crystals. Here is the list and the reasoning behind these choices.
As many birth crystal lists are based on the breastplate of biblical high priest Aaron, some researchers claim that the sixth stone of the breastplate belongs to celestial Virgo. This Virgo birthstone is Jasper also called ‘Jashpeh’ in ancient texts. In Christian mysticism jasper is a gem of Virgin Mary hence the connection to our zodiac sign.
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Pendant set with jasper - Virgo birthstone
Ancient writers associated jacinth (a red-orange variety of zircon) with wisdom, wealth and, prudence which the astrologists of the old times also attributed to Virgo. Jacinth (also known is hyacinth) was thought to indicate the wearer’s state of health and Virgo was considered the sign of health. Considering this reasoning jacinth is accepted as a Virgo birthstone. In addition to that, zircon is also Virgo birth crystal as well as December birthstone by the way.
Carnelian has been assigned to Virgo by a super star of mineralogy of the late 19th century George Kunz. He is even rumored to have composed the following rhyme for Tiffany & Co about this Virgo stone.
Success will bless whate’er you do,
Through Virgo’s sign, if only you
Place on your hand her own gem true,
A good birthstone for Virgo woman is tourmaline according to an early 20th century American astrologist Horace Thomson. Birthstone beryl also belong to this celestial sign as per the same author.
Virgo birthstones deliver a magnificent range of gems that will satisfy any taste. As a summary, here is the exhaustive list of Virgo zodiac birth crystals.