Aquarius Birthstones
Those born between January 21 and February 18 belong to the celestial sign of Aquarius, the 11th sign of zodiac. According to the old legend, Aquarius was a sun of the King of Troy who served the gods with as cupbearer. The color of Aquarius is considered to be sky blue.
Amethyst - one of Aquarius birthstones
So what is Aquarius birthstone? What is Aquarius lucky stone? According to the list we use which is based on an old Spanish list birthstone amethyst is for Aquarius. However, as per other researchers, Aquarius zodiac stone can be sapphire, lapis lazuli, labradorite, garnet, onyx and crystal.
Most of birthstones by month and zodiac lists are based on the arrangement of gems on the biblical Aaron breast plate. Based on the fact that Aquarius is the 11th sign of zodiac, it is often associated with the 11th stone of the breastplate which is called ‘sapir’ or sapphire. More over, it is often thought that Aquarius birthstone color is blue.
In older interpretations it is argued that the 11th stone of Aaron’s breastplate was another blue birthstone. Indeed, in older birthstone lists we often see lapis lazuli used instead of sapphire hence it can also be considered an Aquarius gemstone.
Labradorite – a gemstone of mostly bluish color that is famous for its magnificent gleam as well as color change properties, got its name from Labrador – a Canadian province where it was first discovered. Labradorite is also thought to be under the sign of Aquarius.
Labradorite - another Aquarius birthstone
According to Pliny, a philosopher and Navy commader of the Roman Empire, obsidian was given it's name after Obsiduis who first dicsovered this gem in Ethiopia. From ancient times birthstone obsidian was used in different places for the world for making cutting blades ans also decorative objects. Obsidian is a volcanic glass, mostly of a black color, but can also occur in pink, green, and grey.
More than 100 years ago many academics noted that certain green variety of obsidian has a chemical composition that pointed out to a non-volcanic origin of it. This stone was called moldavite and is believed to have been produced by a so called 'volcanic bomb' or in other words by meteorite impact. Moldavite was thought to be a very powerful birthstone and is very popular nowadays. According to several astrologist including Kozminsky, obsidian and moldavite are Aquarius birthstones.
According to George F Kunz, a renowned mineralogist and specialist in the field of birthstones, Aquarius star sign stone is garnet. He writes:
If you would cherish friendship true,
In Aquarius well you’ll do
To wear this gem of warmest hue—
The garnet.
As per the research of the early 20th century author H. Thomson, onyx and crystal are Aquarius birthstones. Both gems are varieties of quartz, with birthstone crystal being mostly transparent version and birthstone onyx being the version with black and white rings.
As you can see, there are 7 gems that can be used as an Aquarius birthstone, so which one you should choose? Which ones are the good stones for Aquarius? We strongly believed you can select any or all of them. This can be the gem from the list above that you like the most, or that you feel is yours or that falls under any of your criteria. It is entirely up to you! Please click on the links for every Aquarius birthstone to get more details about each of them, or hover over 'by gem' menu section at the very top of the page to find link to all birthstones.