Capricorn Birthstones
If you are one of those people who first saw the light between December 22 and January 21, then you were born under Capricorn zodiac sign. Capricorn is the 10th celestial sign, one of four cardinal signs, and is also known as a ‘sea goat’. Notably, it resembles Enki, an old Sumerian god of knowledge, water, crafts, creation and, well, mischief.
Chalcedony is a Capricorn birthstone. Agate is one of the types of chalcedony
So, what is the birthstone for Capricorn? It depends on the list you use, however we think it is entirely up to you whether to choose one Capricorn birthstone or go with a few or even all of them.
We consider an old Spanish list of zodiac birthstones as the main one, and according to it chalcedony is the birthstone for Capricorn. There are also other notable lists and subsequently other Capricorn birthstones for you to consider.
Many researchers of the Middle Ages assigned birthstone onyx to Capricorn. According to an old story, onyx was engraved with the names of the six tribes of Israel, with each tribe representing the sign of zodiac. The onyx stone was considered by those researchers a material emblem of the Gate of Capricorn. By the way, Capricorn birthstone color is thought to be black which is also the main color of onyx.
Another Capricorn birthstone is serpentine. This gemstone was often used as a material for charms and talismans. A figure of a goat with a fishtail was a very popular creation cut on a serpentine. Most birthstone lists are base on the 12 gems of biblical Aaron’s breastplate, and some writers think the 10th breastplate stone was serpentine. The 10th stone represents the 10th zodiac sign, which we know if Capricorn.
A box carved out of serpantine - one of Capricorn birthstones
This little poem is supposedly composed by a renowned mineralogist and gem scientist George Frederick Kunz in the late 19th century. According to his opinion, Capricorn birthstone is ruby
Those who live in Capricorn
No trouble shall their brows adorn
If they this glowing gem have worn,
The ruby
Well, there a choice of birthstones for Capricorn babies. Which one to choose? As we have mentioned earlier, it is entirely up to you! You can pick a gem that you think is yours, or may be the one that you like, or even all of them! Feel free to click on the links to explore more information about those Capricorn birthstones.