Top 10 Gemstones for Energy
I guess we all go through the periods when we feel powerless and sluggish. In these days motivation is low, and all you want to do is spend time on your couch. Sometimes you want to do things, and you need to do them, but the energy is not there. On the contrary, when we are energized things happen quicker, the results are better, and we generally feel happier!
What stone helps with energy? Many nowadays seek the aid of gemstones to boost their energy, so here are the top 10 energy crystals.
1. Diamond
In the Hindu tradition diamond was considered a very powerful gemstone for energy that provided “longevity, general development of the body, strength, energy, beauty of complexion, and happiness”. A British chemist and physicist of the early 20th century wrote about diamond that “there is a special discharge of energy from the corners and points of the crystal.”
2. Pearl
Also in Hindu scripts red pearl is mentioned as an energy gem that is believed to provide health to the wearer.
3. Garnet
Garnet, and especially red almandine garnet is accepted as one of the gemstones for energy. Medieval alchemists considered it a heart stimulant. Charubel, early 20th century occultist, said the following about garnets: “physically strengthens and vivifies the vital and generative forces in human nature, those that lack energy, sufferers from anaemia, and those wanting in animal courage. It sharpens business propensities and is invaluable to the dull, lethargic, sluggish, lymphatic, and people of cold habits.”
Ruby pendant. Ruby is one of gemstones for energy
4. Ruby
Ruby is a very famous gem that was thought to signify vitality, energy of life and happiness. It is a beautiful stone and a very expensive one too
5. Agate
Moss agate in particular was mentioned as an energy gemstone in the 15th century Italian manuscript. It was claimed it brought energy, strength and power to the wearer.
6. Chrysoprase
Rosicrucians, the followers of spiritual and cultural movement who claimed possessing ancient esoteric knowledge, considered chrysoprase to be a symbol of both mental and physical strength and energy.
7. Topaz
Topaz can be one of gemstones for energy too. Pliny, Roman Empire Navy commander and philosopher, called topaz a “Stone of Strength”. It was believed this power gemstone could also give mental strength. Topaz was proactively used by Roman Emperor Maximilian who was famous for his strength and vitality.
8. Cat’s Eye
This power crystal was thought to “put colour into pale faces, to give pleasure to the mind, to relieve the soul of melancholy” hence cat’s eye is in our list.
9. Jasper
Jasper was considered to be the stone of Hermes and Thoth, as well as a gem of archangel Raphael. It was an emblem of strength and vitality which definitely falls under the definition of gemstones for energy.
Jasper earrings. Jasper is also an energy crystal
10. Onyx
The last energy gem in our list is onyx – the symbol of beauty and strength. It was believed to be particularly good for young girls.
To summarize the above, best gemstones for energy are diamond, pearl, garnet, ruby, agate, chrysoprase, topaz, cat’s eye, jasper and onyx. It has always been believed that gemstones multiply their energy if they are person’s birthstones. Here is the table of energy birthstones by month, based on the main and alternative birthstones lists. For the birthstones for each zodiac sign please consult ‘By Zodiac’ menu at the top of the page.