Birthstone Guide
Welcome to birthstone.guide !
Welcome to birthstone.guide - arguably the most informative and comprehensive birthstone guide / blog / website on the English speaking internet. Whether you were born in March or in the month of July, whether you look for birthstone mysticism or take facts only, whether you like diamonds or prefer agates, you are very likely to find what you are looking for here.
The goal of this project is to tell birthstone stories and beliefs of different times and cultures, to go beyond the simplified list and enlarge the birthstone choice based on historical evidence and research, and for the readers to decide on their own on what choice to make and what they wish to believe in.
Perhaps, you may want to start from the history and lists of birthstones. That article will have the information about where and when it all started, and which birthstone lists are available.
birthstone.guide story
Long long time ago only the wealthiest could afford to possess precious stones. Luckily for us, the times have changed and now we can all enjoy the unparalleled beauty of those birthstones.
My passionate relations with birthstones and gems were formed a long time ago by my grandmother who loved gemstones. I remember she used to have a book about properties of various gems. She would often read the book to me accompanying stories by showing me the real stones. I was mesmerized. By the way, you may wish to have a look at fantastic grandma necklace with grandkids birthstones range we found!
Since then I also dreamed about finding a treasure of precious gems. I am still to find it though my wife argues that she is the treasure :-)
In order to create this website I have done extensive research and read multiple books some of which are centuries old. The information has been reworked and put together for you to enjoy!
Thank you for stopping by and happy reading, exploring and discovering! I hope you find your gem!
The Ancient Alien Theory view on the birthstones.