Travel stones
Travel - the time many of use dream of the whole year! It is the time of excitement, adventure and fun! As much as we would like to enjoy that well deserved time off, we would like to get to and from the place safely, as well as spend the vacation without any major dramas. On top of taking necessary precautions, many also look for stones for safe travel.
Here are five gemstones for travel that you can use. It is worth mentioning that it was believed that if a gem is a persons month birthstone, then the virtues of the stone were thought to be even more powerful.
Ring decorated with amethyst
Throughout times amethyst was considered a charm for travelers. Dreams of amethyst were interpreted as a success to a traveler.
Moonstone was believed to protect the wearer from the dangers of the ocean and assure luck while travelling.
Jacinth, a reddish orange variety of a famous birthstone zircon, was particularly recommended for those going on a voyage due to its reputation of protection against disease, wounds, and injuries. On top of that, it was thought to assure a good reception at any place visited.
A figure of lion engraved upon a garnet was also said to be a good charm for travelers. Carbuncle, which was assumed to be a red stone, and is interpreted nowadays as being red almandine garnet, was also extensively used as a long journey talisman against drowning in the water and accidents on the land.
Aeneas, a Trojan hero of Greek and Roman mythology, the son of Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, possessed an agate and used is as a fortune stone protecting him in voyages and storms.
Whatever your travel stone choice is, have fun and safe travels!