Scorpio Birthstones
Whether you are adventurous, smart or beautiful, if you were born between October 24 and November 21 - you are a Scorpio according to zodiac. There are countless features attributed to Scorpios, and I can definitely have an extensive list of mine having a naughty 2 year old Scorpio ruling my household.
A chain with topaz pendant - one of the Scorpio astral birthstones
What is the birthstone for Scorpio? The answer is many. Most if not all birthstones by month lists are based on either the gems from Aaron’s breastplate or the foundation stones of New Jerusalem. Association of birthstones with zodiac signs happened after the by months lists already existed. The list of zodiac signs birthstones is arguably the most disputed, however we take a different approach to it. Given the choice, which Scorpio birthstone should you choose? It may be the one that you feel is yours, or the one that you like, or even all of them! The choice is and should be yours!
The main astral birthstone chart we use is based on an old Spanish list according to which Scorpio birthstone is garnet - the emblem of constancy and a stone that comes in a variety of colors.
One of the interpretations of the breastplate stones claims the Scorpio birthstone is banded agate. This is based on the color of the gemstone as well as association of it to the scorpion-headed goddess Serket.
A list printed in the early 20th century adds malachite to the above mentioned agate. Malachite is a famous green birthstone that originated from Russia.
Beryl at the exhibition in Austria. Beryl is considered to be a Scorpio birthstone
Scorpio birthstone topaz originates as a prime suspect of being a mysterious gem called alectorius. The ancient strong man and wrestler Milo of Croton who lived in the 6th century B.C. was said to always carry alectorius with him, and when he lost the stone he also lost his strength.
A renowned mineralogist and researcher Kunz assigned beryl as a birthstone for Scorpio sign. It is worth mentioning that according to this point of view all beryl varieties can be considered Scorpio birthstones including aquamarine and emerald.
As for Scorpio birthstone color, emerald and malachite are green birthstones, aquamarine is blueish green. The color of Scorpio birthstones like garnet, agate, and beryl varies as they come in different shades and hues.
Good choice of birthstones for Scorpios, isn’t it? And, as mentioned above, it is ultimately up to you which birthstone to choose!
If you would like to know about the November Scorpio birthstone, then please consult the November birthstones page where you will find more interesting stories and wonderful birthstones for those born in the month of November.