Gems ancient people believed helped against infections
From very ancient times one of the main applications of gemstones was to use them as a protection or cure against various diseases. With COVID-19 raging across the globe, the need for viral infections protection is as high as it has ever been.
Here is historical information about 10 gemstones used by our ancestors that they thought would help in their fight with viruses and infections.
Rock crystal was used as a gemstone that could prevent infections. It was believed amber would not only prevent infectious disease but also act as a protection charm against them. In ancient Malaysia locals used pearls for this purpose.
Jacinth or hyacinth, which is a red-orange variety of birthstone zircon, was thought to provide the wearer with the path to pass the infected places unharmed.
Arabian writers recommended agate against epidemics. Citrine was recommended as a talisman against eruptive diseases. Topaz is another gem that was used as a protective charm against epidemics.
Many viruses and infections cause lung implications. In the old times turquoise was prescribed as a lung medicine, though it was not taken internally.
Topaz was used by ancients as a protective charm against epidemics.
Jasper would have been used by physicians as it was done by the famous Roman Empire physician and surgeon Galenus. Rabbi Chael from ancient Israelites said that, if carried by a doctor, jasper “will give him skill in distinguishing diseases and knowing the 247proper remedies”.
A figure of a lion engraved on garnet was also supposed to cure the wearer of all diseases and preserve health.
There were some mystical and fairytale lore stones that were supposedly used against infections. For example, the story of Reynard the Fox mentions a ring set with 3 gemstones, and the white stone of the ring was apparently curing all diseases.