Cancer Birthstones
Cancer is the 4th zodiac sign, one of the water signs and it is considered that it is ruled by the Moon. Elon Musk, Lana Del Rey, Tom Cruise, Princess Diana and other notable celebrities belong to the Cancerian family.
Beryl - one of Cancer birthstones
What is Cancer birthstone? If you were lucky to be born under this celestial sign, then your Cancer birthstones will be agate, beryl, moonstone, emerald, onyx, chrysoprase, amazonite, chalcedony, and pearl.
The list based on the old Spanish list that is subsequently based on the older Arabian list says that Cancer birthstones are agate and beryl.
Some astrologists believed that based on the fact that the zodiac sign is strongly affected by the Moon hence making moonstone a birth gem for Cancer.
Kunz, a renowned specialist in the field of gemstone lore considered emerald to be Cancer crystal. He even quoted the following lyrics:
”If born in Cancer’s sign, they say,
Your life will joyful be alway,
If you take with you on your way
An emerald.”
Agate slice. Agate is also considered Cancer birthstone.
The tribes of Israel that were associated with the signs of zodiac were written on two onyx stones. One of these onyx stones represented the gate of Cancer through which the soul was descending according to the ancient mysticism, making onyx a Cancer birth crystal.
Cancer birthstone color is often considered to be green or russet making chrysoprase, amazonite, and chalcedony birth gems for Cancer according to some lists as well.
Early 20th century mystic H. Thomson as well as various other astrologists insists that pearl is Cancer birthstone. The assigning of pearl to Cancerians is based on the same logic and foundations as moonstone.
Out of all these majestic Cancer zodiac birthstones which one you should chose? We are pretty liberal in our views and think you can take the one that you feel you connect with, or the one you like, or even all of them!