Taurus Birthstones
‘The Great Bull of Heaven’ or simply Taurus is the second sign of modern day zodiac. The 12 gems set in biblical high priest ephod were associated with the 12 tribes of Israel which in turn were associated with zodiac sign in the medieval times. Taurus was linked to the ancient Israelite tribe of Issachar.
Taurus was the most important celestial sign in ancient Babylon. It was believed that Taurus was present in the 5 stars of Hyades and the 7 stars Pleiades forming the 12 signs of zodiac.
According to the early 20th century astrologist Kozminsky the whole Beryl gemstone family are Taurus birthstones
Taurus birthstone color is considered to be mixed lemon and white. So what is Taurus birthstone? Ruby, diamond, sapphire, emerald, carnelian, beryl, aquamarine, moss agate and amber can all be accepted as Taurus zodiac stone.
As per the old Spanish list based on an even older Arabic list that we use, Taurus birthstones are ruby and diamond. Gaspar Morales in his book published in 1605 agrees that both diamond and ruby are Taurus birth gems as they were associated with Hyades and Pleiades constellations closely connected to this sign.
George Kunz, a world famous gemologist and specialist in the field of crystals, assigned sapphire as Taurus birthstone.
If on your hand this stone you bind,
You in Taurus born will find
’Twill cure diseases of the mind,
The sapphire.
Horace Thomson, early 20th century astrologist, thought emerald and carnelian also belonged to Taurus zodiac birth gems. Another famous early 20th century astrologist Kozminski agrees with Thomson on the emerald and also adds the whole beryl family as Taurus birthstone, and that includes aquamarine too. One of the justifications mentioned is that beryl has a hexagonal (6-sided) crystal structure, and 6 is a sacred number of Venus whose astrological house is under Taurus.
Amber - one of Taurus birthstones
Many astrologist believe that moss agate – a symbol of good health and long life is also Taurus birth rock.
The assignment of amber as birthstone for Taurus is based on an interpretation of Georgic IV Vigil about bees. A Greek philosopher Porphyry who lived in the 3rd century AD wrote: “The Moon presiding over generation was called a bee and also a bull, and Taurus is the exaltation of the Moon.”
Whether you are looking for birthstone for Taurus woman or man, Taurus birth rock for May or April, or Taurus lucky stone the above list of 9 fascinating gems for this zodiac sign can be considered exhaustive. In other words, we believe you can choose any of the above Taurus birthstones, or even all of them! It is entirely up to you!